Chapter 18 ; Lifeless Acts

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I took an deep breath. "Blocky, the rest of my team died." I said, firmly. Blocky froze. "Oh.. you too, huh? I suppose you can stay, things have been pretty rough lately."


"Nah, just don't harass me and tell me to stare at your ugly face."

"Excuse me?!" I was pretty irritated at Blocky's snarky move but took an deep breath. This isn't the time for that bullshit. "You know what, nevermind... I'll just leave you alone." I went to go to one of the rooms, as I opened it, I instantly knew whom it was meant for.

My robotic clone. It was an similar replica, but had some more technology, I envied her. "My room now." I snicker, but decided to not joke of it and get my beauty sleep.

Gotta look beautiful in every situation!

Leafy's POV

He finally cares, he finally does. I'm still metal cause apparently Gelatin died awhile back, disappointing. I... I just hate coping with myself.

Firey had decided to sit next to me, and ask me what was wrong. "N-Nothing.. I guess."

"I guess? Something is wrong, Leafy, what's going on?"

"I-I just don't work well under pressure."

"You always work well, anytime. Something's bothering you. I know you that well."

I chuckle, and looked up to find Firey looking down, and glanced at me, turning red before looking away. "Do you now? Than look at me, bravely." I teased, with an smirk. "N-No, Leafy..." Firey muttered, than chuckled. "You know exactly what's up. Firey, do you actually love me?" I asked.

Firey hesitated, and looked back up at me, and grinned, he was blushing pretty hard. "Y-Yeah. I have been until recently cause.. You know. Stupid move on my part, admittedly." I laugh. "Wow, I didn't even know you did. I'm stupid."

"No, dont worry."


"Yeah, dont worry!"

We laughed, and than suddenly kissed. It was kindof sudden, and honestly its embarrassing. "Je-"

"DID YOU TWO JUST SMOOCH?!" Coiny yelled, screaming in excitement. We look at Coiny, embarassed. "W-What?!" I began to stutter, and Coiny kept on fangirling. "Oh my god, you two did!" Pin walked in to find Coiny screaming, and ran to hold him back. "What the hell-"

"THEY KISSED!" Coiny attempted to point to us, as we whistled and looked away, blushing.. "That's cute and all, but seriously?"

"YEAH!" Pin sighed, and dragged him away. Firey and I looked at each other, and began to laugh and talk for the rest of the night, falling asleep on each other.


I woke up in the middle of the night to hear squealing. "H-Huh...?" I rub my eyes, and begin to get up, and walk to find Firey and Leafy sleeping on each other. Oh god, they actually like each other now?

I wrote down some mental notes, and grinned. I took out the paper and looked at it, and drew love hearts on their names. That is honestly adorable, though wait. Pen's name is- Oh god he was murdered... Yikes. I.. I won't ask, I put away the paper and gently walked to find the area dark.

It was an nice night, so I went outside to the Yoyle berry fields and sat there. Suddenly, I felt somebody touch my arm. I nervously turn around to find Barf Bag, who was sort of crying.. "What happened..?" I asked, nervous.

"Four had killed Naily, that was my only teammate left. Well except Donut, but he's host and literally an murderer-ish now?" I was startled to hear even more death. I soon look at the paper to find Snowball and Lightning crossed off two.

"Beep has none... iance, Team Ice Cube, and ABNTT has only one. Bleh and Free Food has two. Death Pact has three, and the Losers is currently in the best condition of 5 members." Reading it out loud sent chills down my spine. "The Losers are likely the next target... But, which person is it?" You wondered. Barf Bag shrugs. "Maybe Pin and Needle."

"You may be right."

"I hope not..?"

Needle's POV

I woke up to hear screams, and soon ran downstairs to find blood, blood everywhere. "W-What the hell?!" I was surprised to see so much of it everywhere, and suddenly felt myself get tackled.

I turned around and grabbed Zero by the arms, struggling to move away. I felt myself screaming, as I heard Zero begin to screech. I heard nothing after awhile, and felt myself get dizzy and black out.

For good...

I'm sorry.

Coiny's POV

I woke up, yawning. I suddenly look around and find Pin isn't in my room. She was last night.. I get up, and casually go downstairs to find..

Blood, Pin, and Needle lying on the floor, dead. I scream and cry. "NO! PIN!" I rushed over to Pin's body, and try to shake her to wake up. Her eyes were torn out, and blood dripped from the tip of her point and mouth. I cried, in desperate pain. "IM SORRY! PLEASE..." I cried, as Leafy and Firey came downstairs, horrified.

"Oh my god... Did Zero do this?" Leafy asked. I looked at her, and nodded slowly. "I think so. Needle's 'ears' are blown off." Firey stated, as he examined the bodies. I was really upset.

The captain is dead, and the boat is sinking slowly, and she never had an chance against Zero. I felt myself go into despair, and felt shock run through my body, as I began to cry out.

Leafy tried to comfort me, and had gently patted me on the back. There was nothing I could've done. I hated this. I felt guilt weigh me down, as I was silent.

I will take revenge.

I promise.

To Pin.

???'s POV

I'm sick of this. I suppose this disguise won't last much longer. Would it, Four?

What the fuck are you doing?

I'm just doing my job. You should do yours. Just get Donut to stop crying over Gelatin, he died months ago.

You do realize it's all your fucking fault, right? You refuse to revive them.

I know, Four. Just shut the hell up and grow up, this is reality.

I wish you didn't exist.

Nor do I. Because, I dont. I'm just somebody who is in your mere head, and you let it take advantage. Look who's the damn fool now?

"We're nearly done. I promise."

"We will be free soon."

are you really promising now? how stoopid is that

well I'm just gonna tell you the book will end soon <3

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