Chapter 13 ; The Aftermath

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Tree's POV

I held Pie, "You can let go now.." Suddenly, I let go of my grasp. "Do you think it's safe?"

"Yeah, prob."

"Let's go..." I opened the door, and turned the corner to find Liy on the floor dead. She had an knife in her, and I pulled it out to examine it. "Holy... Who would've done this?"

"The only person who would have defended Grassy." Pie said, as he looked around to pick up some bloody blades of grass. "...Blocky." I murmured.

"Yeah, but.. There's an blood trail. Let's go." We began to follow it. It trailed to ABNTT's area, we crossed it. Entering the area and glanced around for any signs of life.

We eventually found Blocky, but he was sobbing to an rock with an patch of grass on it. We soon realized what has occured.

We paid our blessings for Grassy.

Cake's POV

I stumbled around, without anybody to comfort me. I could hardly see, and my vision began to get darker. I looked to find an green and blue figure approaching me and grabbed me. "Gh-!" I screamed out for help, but felt myself slowly losing myself.

I only saw darkness, but I could still feel myself. I just... couldn't see. I moved my body, and felt hands on me. "...You're left off with an warning this time." That's all I heard, after footsteps. I couldn't see.

I stumble back, worried. I couldn't see, sense.. I could only see darkness, but felt an world around me.

Leafy's POV

I'm sorry. I'm sorry.. I'm just sorry. Sorry. This isn't right, nobody should be hurt like this. I grasped Firey, even if my arms burnt up.

I will protect you.. Even if you don't care. I will stop him, for you.

I refuse to lose to the evil forces.

Firey's POV

She won't let go! She keeps on running, this is getting ridiculous. I tried to make her let go my grasp, but she was beginning to tear up, and I began to try to dodge the teardrops. That hurts.

A lot.

After awhile, I grumbled. She suddenly threw me up, I screamed. She threw me up... High. I felt myself land on an bush, and saw Leafy climbing up some steps.

"Don't worry. You'll be safe."

"I promise."

Narrator's POV

Firey was angry, as he got off of the bush and faced Leafy. "Let me ask you this. Why should I trust YOU? After all this time... You've changed." Leafy froze, "...It's because I love you. More than you will ever know. I regret every bad choice I make because of you."

"Every good choice, I cherish because of you.." Leafy took her hand out. "I don't need to sound cheesy and all, but, I seriously want you to light my heart up." Firey chuckled. "Wow, you're actually cheesy."


"Don't worry, I'll light you up." Firey gently hugged Leafy. "Gh-! That burns!" Firey let go, glancing to the side, placing his left hand over his right arm. "Let's set aside our differences, and forget about the past."



Pin and Coiny continued to run, but heard something in the distance. "What was that?" They ran to it, and noticed it as Cake. He had no eyes, and was trying to call out. "H-Hello? Anybody there?" Pin sighed in relief. "Yeah! It's Pin and Coiny! What happened?"

"I-I don't know! I saw some blue and green figure as they got close than bam! I can only see black! Am I dead?" Pin and Coiny glanced at each other nervously. Pin looked at Cake with a nervous look. "Uhh.. I think Book ate your eyes?"

"Wait.. WHAT?"

"Yeah uh, your eyes are missing... Cake.. You okay?" Coiny asked, with an weak chuckle.

"I lost half of my body, now my eyes. What's next, my legs?! Oh my god, just kill me already!" Cake complained.

"Here, uhh.. let's take you home."



Short chapter sorry, I was kinda making this for filler also cause I didnt want to rush this stuff

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