Chapter 8: Ordered

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"If life were predictable it would cease to be life and be without flavor." -Eleanor Roosevelt

Chapter 8: Ordered

Well, Taehyung was back at his father's house. Not because he will stay there but pack up all of his stuff.

Jungkook told him that he had to do it so Jungkook can watch him 24/7 and protect him. And Taehyung can't reject the offer because that's the time he's been waiting for so long.

And he's not alone, he's with Jungkook's men who drove for him earlier just to send him to his house and will take him back to Jungkook's house.

"Finally, you're leaving, this is what I've been waiting for and I'm sure you too." Hosung smirked while watching Taehyung packing up his stuff.

Taehyung just ignored him and continued to pack everything he needs.

"And now you learn not to respond when I talk to you. Are you that confident that you got a billionaire so easily?" Hosung chuckled.

Taehyung rolled his eyes and zipped his bag.

"I can say you are useful to me because I will go to meet that boy and I will make sure to milk him money." Hosung grinned.

"Do whatever you want, I don't care about you anyway." Taehyung retorted.

"Make sure to please him, okay? You're a gold digger and you have nothing to lose. But I won't be lying, I will miss that tight ass of yours. But, I will get a lot of money because of you and will find a lot of people to fuck on." Hosung laughed and was about to touch Taehyung's ass but a guard blocked him.

"You are not allowed to touch him, that's the rule. If you dare to touch him again, I am ordered to cut your hands."

"Geez, fine, why so strict?" Hosung rolled his eyes and crossed his arms.

"Are you done, sir? Can we leave now?"

Taehyung nodded his head while the guard helped him carry his luggage.

"Then, we should head out now. Mr. Jeon was surely waiting for you."

Taehyung hums in response, he gets out first with the guards behind him to protect him.

"Goodbye, my whore son! Such a cumslut!" Hosung yelled.

Taehyung just tightened his fist on his bag while gritting his teeth. He really can't believe he got a father like him. That's so disgusting.


Jungkook did what Hosung told him, they met in a restaurant but a private area. He was sitting on the couch while holding his drink.

"I'm glad to meet you, Mr. Jeon, I thought you wouldn't come but h---"

"You should start now, I don't like wasting my time." Jungkook simply said and interrupted his sentence.

One of his men set the timer while Jungkook was just drinking.

"I'll go straight to the point, I want you to pay me for my son." Hosung stated.

"Why would I pay you?" Jungkook asked looking at him.

"Like what I said, he's not free, and also, I can see that you like him so I would sell him for you since he's useful to me anyway." Hosung grinned.

"What makes you think I like your son? Did I show motives to you?" Jungkook smirked.

"What? Don't you like him? You and your men interrupted me twice so I thought you like him." Hosung uttered.

"I did that because I pity the poor boy. And because he's beautiful." Jungkook clarified.

"So you're telling me you don't like my son?" Hosung asked.

"Maybe" Jungkook snickered.

"Then give him back to me instead." Hosung retorted.

"Why would I do that?" Jungkook replied smirking.

"Because he's my son! He's mine!" Hosung grumbled.

"He's not yours anymore, he's on my property so that means he's mine." Jungkook grinned.

"If you want him, you should have to pay me first because he's not free." Hosung retorted.

"He's not for sale either." Jungkook shot back.

"Then I will get back my son instead! He will come with me whether he likes it or not." Hosung growled.

"You're so impatient, Hosung. You keep on barking but you can't even bite." Jungkook chuckled

"Just pay me! That's all I want!" Hosung snarled.

"Okay, fine, since I don't want to make this meeting any longer, tell me the price and I will pay you." Jungkook smiled.

"10 million dollars, Jeon." Hosung smirked.

"Alright, give it to him." Jungkook ordered his men who was been holding two cases earlier.

That man set down the cases on top of the table and opened it to show the money inside. Jungkook saw how Hosung licked his lips with excitement while staring at the money.

"I knew it, I know you won't disappoint me, my gold digger son is so lucky to have you." Hosung uttered while taking the money from the cases.

"I'm going to leave now, make sure to pay for everything we ordered." Jungkook said while standing up from his seat.

"Sure thing, Jeon, I will pay them for you. It's my treat." Hosung laughed laying down his head on the money.

Jungkook smirked while walking out of the room where they have just eaten.

"Make sure that guy will pay for everything, understood?" Jungkook told the manager of the restaurant.

"I understand, sir."

Jungkook left the restaurant but he can hear Hosung's yells inside.


"What?! No! There's no way that's true!" Hosung yelled hugging the cases to his chest.

"I'm saying the truth sir, the food you've ordered is 10 million dollars worth. You can check this bill if you want to."

"The fuck you saying? You are just scamming me because I got a lot of money! Liars!" Hosung growled.

"I'm not lying, this drink that Mr. Jeon ordered is already 2 million worth and he ordered 3 so that means it's already 6 million."

"Then tell him to pay for what he ordered instead, this is my money! You can't take this away!" Hosung snarled.

"If you don't want to pay, then we will call the police to arrest you."

Hosung stood up, bumping himself into the people who were blocking his way while keeping the money to himself. He run away as fast as he can but he got caught anyway.

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