Chapter 31: Who are you?

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“I’d rather see you one day a year than someone else seven days a week”

Chapter 31: Who are you?

Jungkook bought a bouquet of flowers for Taehyung every single day. It's been a week since the incident and Taehyung was still unconscious.

He was sitting beside Taehyung and holding his hand. That's what he always does, he was hoping Taehyung will wake up.

"Did you fix what happened last week?" Jin asked Namjoon but they were outside of the room.

"I did, yet it will be hard because the father of that guy was a governor, they will surely do anything to make him rotten in jail because he killed Hero." Namjoon sighed.

"This is the first time Jungkook didn't make a plan to kill. He always has a plan when he's going to do something." Jin muttered.

"And the first time he starts and finishes everything by himself." Jimin added.

Well, they mean it even though Jungkook is the leader. He barely killed his victims without proper plans and he makes sure he's not the person who will kill his victims.

He only gave the plans and orders to them or his men. Mostly, he just watches how they tortured his victims. He didn't just attack without using his brain. And he also makes sure that everything was clean.

But what he did to Hero was far from his liking. He didn't have a plan and recklessly killed his victim.

"No wonder why he hates to love. He's so different when he's in love and that's what he was trying to avoid." Jin mumbled.

"Taehyung already made him different, tsk, why did he even deny that he loves Taehyung?" Yoongi shooked his head.

"Of course, he doesn't want to get hurt. Look at his situation right now. Did you see him like that before? And he also doesn't want his rival to use the person he loves as his weakness." Jin stated.

"And now, look at him, regretting that he didn't confess yet. He only realizes when this happens." Yoongi sighed.

"Geez, don't scold him for now. We should think about how we should solve the mess he did with that governor. That governor is known for having a dark profile, he also does killings." Namjoon finally spoke.

"Oh, Taehyung is awake!" Hoseok pointed out to Taehyung since he was on the door with a little window on top.

They opened the door but they didn't expect to hear what he just said.

"Who are you?"

That was what Taehyung asked Jungkook who was beside him.

"Y-you duh-don't remember me?" Jungkook inquired while biting his bottom lip to suppress his tears to fall.

"I'm sorry, but I'm not really familiar with you. And I don't know you, I can't remember anything." Taehyung replied.

Jungkook's heart clenched, seriously, why does it have to happen to him?

"Ahm, I'm Jungkook, Jeon Jungkook, are you familiar with that name?" Jungkook attempted to make Taehyung remember him.

Taehyung shooked his head as a no. He really can't remember anything.

"Hi, I'm Kim Seokjin but they call me Jin. May I ask what else you remember?" Jin asked instead knowing Jungkook was stunned at what just happened.

"Paris, that's the only thing I can clearly remember but I don't know how I ended up here in this hospital." Taehyung stated.

"I guess, I will call a doctor instead to check you again. Wait here, okay?" Jin uttered and smiled.

Taehyung nodded his head and Jin left motioning the others to left too. Taehyung looked at Jungkook, he was sure he can see tears forming in his eyes.

"Who are you? Are you my relative or what?" Taehyung asked curiously.

Jungkook wanted to say that they were boyfriends but they had never been in a relationship. If he said someone special, surely he'll make Taehyung confused.

"I'm your friend, you live with me in my house." Jungkook replied but his heart was aching.

"I'm sure you are a good friend." Taehyung chuckled.

Yeah, maybe that's okay, they don't have a relationship anyway. He will just hide his pain instead. That's better, besides, Taehyung will stay with him, right?

"I will leave for a while, if they look for me just tell them that I went somewhere else. I hope you will be fine." Jungkook forced a smile.

He turned around to leave the room since he don't think he can handle his tears.


He stopped walking and turned around to look at him hoping Taehyung would remember him already.

"Thank you for being a good friend." Taehyung smiled.

Jungkook smiled back in response and close the door. His tears fell down his cheeks. It hurts him, why does Taehyung have to forget him? Why?

This is so unfair, he was really happy that Taehyung woke up but not this. There are so many events to forget but why about them?

Is this his punishment for what he did back then? Is this the sign that he had to let go of Taehyung?

If this is the punishment, this is the worst thing ever. He hates it, he really hates it. He wiped off his tears and walked away from the room.

"He got a temporary amnesia, this happened because his head got hit and his brain affected because of the accident." The doctor said who was checking Taehyung.

"That means he still can remember everything back, right?" Jin asked.

"Yes, his amnesia will be just temporary. It depends on his brain if he wants to remember his lost memories or not. I suggest bringing him to the place where he can remember something. That will work." The doctor recommended.

"Thank you, doc." Jin smiled bowing his head.

"I will go now, he can be discharged right now if you want to go home. But make sure to take everything slowly so his brain won't get stressed and hurt." The doctor advised them.

Jin hums and the doctor left. He looked at Taehyung who was looking at him with those innocent eyes.

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