Chapter 27: Let's make it real

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"It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light."

Chapter 27: Let's make it real

The class finally start again after taking one week's rest. However, Taehyung had to manage his schedule because his piggy bank was still light.

He was on his way to his classroom when he can see the students surrounding him looking at him and murmuring. He was sure it was about him.

"So, the reason why you are being defensive with that bastard is that you are romantically in a relationship with him?"

Suddenly, Jia blocked his way before he can even get inside the classroom.

"What are you talking about?" Taehyung responded confusedly.

"Here, mind explaining it to us?"

Jia showed her phone, Taehyung saw that it was the picture during the camping vacation and the video about the incident in the coffee shop.

"It's a misunderstanding, I defended him because you guys are being too much to him." Taehyung clarified.

"You're so obvious, you got mad at us because you love him. And you secretly dating him." Jia retorted.

"I'm not dating him, he's someone special to me that's it. He's the one who help me that's why I did that." Taehyung stated.

"Why are you being sweet to him? Friends don't do something like that. No wonder why you dump Hero Oppa because of him." Jia shot back.

"I didn't dump him, I told him he's not the person I want. I rejected him because I don't feel the same way towards him. Is that wrong to tell him the truth?" Taehyung retorted.

"You should feel lucky because Hero Oppa wants to court you, he barely does that. You are lucky that he likes but why did you choose that bastard over him?!" Jia argued.

"I don't see any reason to explain it to you. It's not my fault if you can't understand me. Jungkook is the only person who understood me anyway.

You can hate me as long as you can, I don't care anyway." Taehyung sighed and was about to pass by her but she grabbed his right arm.

"No, you should explain it to me. You waste your luck, I understand why Hero posted this picture because it spread how stupid you are. You are a good-looking person but stupid. You are useless." Jia mocked.

"You dare to call him useless after making you popular. The only reason why you wanted to befriend him is that he's popular, isn't it?"

Suddenly, Jungkook came in between them.

"What are you talking about?" Jia gritted her teeth.

"You really have no intention to be a good friend with him. You just wanted to use him for your own popularity." Jungkook smirked.

"Hah, he's not that popular tho." Jia snickered.

"Lies, no one will spread about it and make a fuss if no one was interested in him." Jungkook smirked.

"Why are you even here? You're a psychopath freak." Jia replied with a disgusting face.

"You're right, I'm a psychopath freak. Do you want me to kill you right now and chop you up?" Jungkook smiled like a freak.

"Bastard!" Jia yelled running away from them.


"I can't believe they make a fuss about it and Hero will post that." Taehyung sighed when they got in Jungkook's car.

"Don't mind him, he just wanted to get revenge because you rejected him." Jungkook retorted.

"Just because of that? He made such fake news and everyone believes in him." Taehyung grumbled.

"Of course, people will love it if it's an issue." Jungkook uttered.

"Aish, how could they even think that we're dating just because of that picture? That sounds stupid." Taehyung mumbled.

"Why not make it real then so they will stop suspecting us?" Jungkook giggled.

"It's not good to make a joke like that, Jungkook ah. We're on a serious topic." Taehyung muttered.

"I'm just kidding, you're too stressed about them. I'm just trying to light up your mood." Jungkook chuckled ruffling Taehyung's hair.

"I'm not stressed about them, I actually fine because I always feel safe when I'm with you." Taehyung smiled genuinely.

"That's good, you're too beautiful to stress about them." Jungkook grinned.

He grabbed Taehyung's hand and pecked the back of his hand.

They arrived at the shop where Taehyung was working. Jungkook opened the door car for Taehyung and helped the boy to get out of the car.

"Have a nice day with your work." Jungkook uttered ruffling his hair.

"You too, Jungkook." Taehyung replied going inside the shop.

"Mr. Jeon" John called bowing his head.

"If you are going to speak about nonsense, don't talk to me." Jungkook simply replied

"I would like to say sorry for what happened last day. I don't know that they will come here just to make a mess. I warned them, Mr. Jeon but they didn't listen, I'm so sorry once again." John said while bowing his head apologetically.

"Did you clean the mess?" Jungkook asked but his eyes were focused on Taehyung who was starting his work.

"Don't worry, Mr. Jeon, I cleaned them already. They are dead." John retorted

"Good, I'm glad you know what you need to do. If this happens again, I will kill you too." Jungkook told him and got inside the car.

John swallowed hard and cleared his throat. He looked at Taehyung thinking how could be special this boy was and the mafia boss was willing to do anything for him.

"So, that handsome boy was your boyfriend or what?" Kian snickered standing beside Taehyung who was doing the cashier work.

"Huh? What are you talking about?" Taehyung replied with a blush crept on his cheeks.

"That guy who takes and picks you up all the time." Kian retorted.

"No, h-he's not my boyfriend." Taehyung stuttered.

"Then what is he to you? A person who courts you? Or your sugar daddy?" Kian smirked

"He's someone special for me that's it." Taehyung clarified.

"Tell me the truth, did you like him?" Kian asked curiously.

Taehyung looked at him and slowly nodded his head.

"Then, don't waste your time, I can assure you that he likes you back. It was so obvious, tell him your feelings." Kian said patting his back.

Taehyung sighed, he doesn't know when he should confess.

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