Chapter 44: It's just a nightmare again, right?

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“Just let me keep the last piece of my heart before you tear it all apart.”

Chapter 44: It's just a nightmare again, right?

Taehyung finally remembers now, he remembers the reason why he wants to go to Paris...

It's all because of Jungkook.

He remembered everything about himself. Tears were falling in his eyes when he looked through the screen in the waiting area of the airport. He knew that he bought tickets for Jungkook and him to go to Paris with his own money.

It was one of his to-do lists, he wants to make it happen no matter what happened.

"Shooting in the most known mafia Jeon Jungkook happened in his own house. The police were trying to make their way to get insid---"

Taehyung immediately ran away from the airport and parked a cab. He had to go and check Jungkook. He got inside the cab telling the driver the address.

"Please, make it faster." Taehyung begged the driver while he was inside the cab.

"This is the fastest I can do." The driver responded.

"I-I will pay you just please do it faster, I-I can't be late, something might happen." Taehyung sobbed.

"I have to follow the speed limit or else I'll get pulled out by the police." The driver sighed.

Taehyung cried nervously, he can't lose Jungkook, and Jungkook made a promise to him.

"J-just drive faster! I'm begging you! I need to go there early! Please." Taehyung pleaded.

Jungkook will be back to him, right? Jungkook promised him so there's no way Jungkook will lie to him.


They finally arrived at the house, Taehyung ran away from the cab and went inside the house. He saw the police and investigator checking the incident.

"Wait, you can't go inside." The police stopped him at the door.

"No, please, let me see my boyfriend." Taehyung pleaded, looking at the police with teary eyes.

"You really can't, you might ruin the crime scene." The police told him.

"You don't understand! My boyfriend is there! Let me s---"

Taehyung wasn't able to finish his sentence when he saw them taking out Jungkook's friend's bodies.

Tears fell in his eyes, he can't believe it, he saw Namjoon, Jin, Hoseok, Yoongi, and Jimin. They were all dead. He cried out so loud seeing them in that situation.

This is not true, right? Tell him this is not true, this is a nightmare again.

"Jungkook!" Taehyung yelled rushing inside, ignoring the police who were stopping him.

He felt a pang in his heart when he saw Jungkook's bloody body on the floor.

"Sir! Please leave this area, you are not allowed here!" The police told him.

"J-Jungkook" Taehyung muttered falling to the floor.

He put Jungkook's head on his lap, looking at him. His heart was aching seeing how beaten Jungkook was.

"Jungkook, y-you said you come back to me. T-then wake up now y-you're just s-sleeping, right? Jungkook, p-please w-wake up f-for me." Taehyung stuttered, shaking Jungkook's body.

He wants to wake up if it is just a dream. Please, someone wake him up again, this is one of his nightmares, right?

"Sir, please let go of the body, we have to transfer him to the morgue." The police uttered.

"What are you talking about? He's not dead! They are not dead! Bring him to the hospital, not the morgue! Please help me! Please save him!" Taehyung growled at the police.

"He lost so much blood so he can't be alive." The police told him.

"Lies! All lies! Call the ambulance now! He's going to survive, trust me! He will be alright!" Taehyung snarled gritting his teeth.

His breath becomes ragged, he forced into his mind that Jungkook is alive.

"What are you standing there?! Call an ambulance now!" Taehyung clenched his jaw.

The police sighed in defeat and shooked his head.

"W-why they aren't b-believing in me? Please wake up s-so t-they believe in me. We can live together like what you want. Please don't leave me, open your eyes. You promised me, Jungkook, you can't do this to me." Taehyung sobbed while touching Jungkook's cheeks.

No, Jungkook said they were going to Paris. He has to wake up.

"Y-you're a liar too, wuh-why you leave me? Y-you promise to me! wuh-why are you doing this to me? Why? Don't leave me, I'm begging you, please. I-I won't be a burden to all of you, I-I will be a strong boy just don't leave me." Taehyung pleaded to the dead body.

He cried so hard that he wish he was with them instead.

"You all going to leave me? Like this? What about me? What I can do without you? Who will be my family? Jungkook. How will I start again?" Taehyung asked with tears keep on falling in his eyes.

He hugged Jungkook tightly not caring if there was a bloodstain on his clothes.

"Hold on a bit, Jungkook, I still want you, I still need you. Don't leave me like this, I love you, Jungkook, I love you so much. So please, don't give up, the ambulance is coming, they will save you." Taehyung cried even though the police didn't call for the ambulance knowing Jungkook was already dead.

"Here, this is what we found in his pocket, I guess that's for you." One of the investigators gave him the small box.

Taehyung looked at it and took the box. Suddenly, the volunteers came with a stretcher and they put Jungkook's dead body on the stretcher. They brought Jungkook out of the house while Taehyung was sniffling.

He opened the small box and tears fell in his eyes again when he saw it was a ring. So now he knows what was Jungkook hiding from him.

He understand that Jungkook was about to propose to him but at the perfect time. But today isn't even a perfect time. No, there's no more perfect time.

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