Chapter 17: Where is Jungkook

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I'm really sorry for my writing skill and for whoever reads this. Y'all knew the author was dumb.

"Anger resolves nothing it only puts up your blood pressure."

Chapter 17: Where is Jungkook

Taehyung was done doing his morning routine. He was waiting for Jungkook to come to his room. He sat down on the bed while dangling his feet.

The door was suddenly opened but to his surprise, it wasn't Jungkook but the pink-haired boy instead.

"Hi, I'm Park Jimin, one of Jungkook's friends. He said I had to pick you up here because he will leave early, so come and join us to eat." Jimin smiled warmly.

"Uh 'kay." Taehyung replied standing up from the bed.

Jimin extend his hand and Taehyung shyly reached for it. His eyes widened when Jimin suddenly pecked the back of his hand.

"Come on." Jimin uttered and dragged Taehyung along with him downstairs.

Taehyung was biting his bottom lip while he can feel the heat rising to his cheeks.

"Oh, let him take a seat here."

Taehyung heard the familiar voice, he looked up and saw the person. He was right, that guy came to his father's house and saw him naked.

He can't help but blush thinking that he met the guy who saw him in that situation.

"What are you looking at? Come and take a seat here." Jin said pulling the chair for him.

Taehyung smiled a bit in response and take a sit on the chair. He just watched them setting the food on the table.

"You can eat as long as you can, Jungkook will get mad if he thinks that you didn't eat anything." Jin chuckled and ruffled his hair.

"Wuh-where's J-Jungkook?" Taehyung asked nervously looking at them.

"He just did something important but he will surely attend his classes." Hoseok retorted.

"Oh, okay." Taehyung mumbled and started to eat.

"So, do you like Jungkook?" Yoongi suddenly asked straight to the point.

Taehyung choked on the egg he was eating, Jimin immediately gave him the water and he drank it.

"Why are you asking like that, hyung? The boy is eating." Jimin scolded Yoongi.

"What? Is that wrong to ask that question?" Yoongi retorted inquiring.

"No, but it's definitely wrong if the poor boy will die just because of that question." Namjoon replied shaking his head.

"I just want to know, that's it." Yoongi rolled his eyes.

"I-I don't hate him, buh-but I don't romantically like him." Taehyung clarified.

"Ah, I see." Yoongi sighed disappointedly.

"If you are done and going to your class, just meet that driver outside, he will bring you to the University." Jin told him.

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