Chapter 30: Sledgehammer

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“The brightness of my day doesn't depend on the amount of sunshine. Everything depends on your smile.”

Chapter 30: Sledgehammer

Jungkook came out of his car, he opened the trunk of the car taking the huge sledgehammer out of his trunk. He was in front of the police station right now.

He heard that they caught Hero already which made him mad enough because he badly wants to kill that bastard.

"What was that for, Jungkook?" Jimin asked confusedly since he was also in the police station.

"You're not going to kill him at the police station, right? It will be dangerous for you, they will arrest you." Hoseok warned him.

"Where's his car?" Jungkook inquired with his poker face.

"Uh, there?" Jimin just confusedly pointed to the car in front of him.

Jungkook dragged the sledgehammer with him and went to the car. Without hesitation, he grabbed the sledgehammer and slammed it on the car.

He didn't mind the sound coming from the car, he did it again and the police came out of the station. The alarm was getting loud but Jungkook with all of his force smacked the car's engine with the sledgehammer.

"Sir, what are you doing? Stop that!" The police attempted to stop him.

Yet, Jungkook gave him a cold stern stare.

"Where is that bastard?" Jungkook asked them with a hint of anger in his tone.

"Who's the person are you looking for sir?" The police replied inquiring.

"The suspect for hit and run." Jungkook retorted gritting his teeth. 

"H-he's inside sir, in the interrogation room. We're a---"

Jungkook didn't let him finish, instead, he walked passed by them with the sledgehammer with him.

"Sir, you can't bring that with you, that's dangerous. Please surrender it to us." The police followed after him.

"Don't worry, he will surrender that to you later." Jimin blocked the police with an innocent smile plastered on his face.

Jungkook got inside the police station, ignoring the police who were trying to stop him. He kicked the door of the interrogation room, not minding if there were people inside.

"Who are you? How did you get inside like that?" The detective who was interrogating Hero.

Jungkook saw Hero looking at him with wide eyes. He picked up the sledgehammer and smacked it on Hero's cupped hands.

"Argh!" Hero screamed in agony.

"How did they let you drive with those stupid hands? These hands should be removed." Jungkook uttered glaring at him.

"Wuh-what are you doing? Y-you can't do this to me!" Hero growled.

"But I already did, will you stop me?" Jungkook smirked kicking the chair where Hero was sitting.

Hero fell to the ground still hissing in pain with his hands and back.

"What's the use of your name if you are a villain here?" Jungkook grumbled kicking Hero in the stomach.

"Help! Please help me!"

Hero attempted to crawl away until his back was pressed on the wall while sobbing.

"Look at you, you are a hero, you should help people but you are here, begging for someone's help. What a useless human being." Jungkook spoke and smacked the sledgehammer between Hero's legs.

Hero peed because of fear and his eyes widened thinking that his cock got hit by the sledgehammer.

"Oh, why did you pee? Are you scared?" Jungkook snickered.

"Please, I-I'm begging you, s-stop, duh-don't do this to me!" Hero cried while shaking in fear.

"Why are shaking? You should be scared, you dared to hit Taehyung without hesitation and now you are scared." Jungkook chuckled devilishly.

"I-I didn't mean to do that! Tuh-that was an accident!" Hero sobbed pressing his back on the corner of the wall.

"And accident? That's not a fucking accident!" Jungkook growled hitting Hero's feet with the sledgehammer.

"Arghhh! Stop!" Hero winced in pain once again.

Jungkook grabbed a fistful of hair of Hero and forced him to look at him.

"How could you even call that accident if it's so obvious that you did it intentionally?!" Jungkook gritted his teeth.

"P-please, stop! I-it hurts! Please don't kill me! I'm begging you!" Hero begged with continuous tears falling in his eyes.

"It hurts? Already? Fuck you! Did you see Taehyung's condition right now, huh?! Because of you, he was unconscious, he's 50/50 and now you're telling me to stop?!" Jungkook snarled punching him in the face.

"Fuh-forgive me, I-I don't wanna die! I-I have dreams, please spare my life! I-I will do anything but please forgive me!" Hero pleaded with blood coming out of his nose.

"Why did you do that? Why did you hit him? Taehyung did nothing to you!" Jungkook growled tightening his grip on Hero's hair enough to make Hero let out a hiss.

"I-I know, I-I was just jealous and mad at him because h-he rejected me. I-I didn't mean to kill him, I-I happened to see him on the road that's why my mind went blank and I don't know that I hit him." Hero explained while crying.

"That's just your reason? You almost kill the person I love, how could I spare your life?" Jungkook kicked him in the jaw.

Hero coughed with blood and panted heavily.

"I-I'm suh-sorry, I-I w-will go far f-from you buh-but please l-let me live. S-stop, I-I can't anymore." Hero stuttered while trying to make a sentence.

"Sorry? That's useless anyway. I don't need your sorry, I want you dead." Jungkook emphasized each word.

He grabbed the sledgehammer and was about to hit it on Hero but Hoseok interrupted him.

"You can't kill a person here, Jungkook. I understand your situation, but the police will surely arrest you or the worst will kill you. We should leave now before they called a backup." Hoseok told him since they were in the police station.

Jungkook just grumbled yet he hit Hero's other feet instead. He left the police station with Jimin and Hoseok.

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