One {1976}

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🌸The Vista Cruiser🌸

Place, Wisconsin

May 17th, 1976

8:47 p.m

Location: Eric Forman's basement

A group of teens sat in a dingy basement trying to make the best out of their otherwise boring adolescent years. Lana watched as her wimpy brother was trying to talk his way outta swiping beers from the party her parents were throwing upstairs.

"Eric.It is time." Hyde said with his face in a stern position emphasizing the seriousness of the situation.

"Why don't you do it?" Eric asked with a pouty look on his face.

"It's your house." Hyde replied as if he knew he was going to say this.

" Your house." Kelso echoed. Which made Lana shake her head and smile a little at the clueless boy.

"Well why doesn't Lana do it." Eric said gesturing over to the other side of the couch were she was was sitting.

"Because my dear baby brother, you need man up and do things without my help. Also, i'm tired of enabling your childish behavior" Lana said not even lifting my head up from my magazine.

"I'm only younger by 8 minutes" he argued back.

"Listen to them up there." Hyde said while pointing upstairs ,"The party has reached critical mass. In 10 minutes, there will be no more beer opportunities."

"If my dad catches me copping beers, he'll kill me." Eric said with an actual look of fear on his face. Lana rolled her eyes, she could have easily grabbed five beers and made it back downstairs in 10 minutes or less.

"I'm willing to take that risk." Hyde said putting his hand on Eric's knee. Lana almost busted out in laugh at how serious they were taking this.

"Don't worry about it.", Kelso chimed in, "Just remain calm, keep moving..."

"And above all, don't get sucked into my dad's hair." Donna added before anyone else could say something

"What's wrong with your dad's hair?" Eric asked confused

"Just don't look at it." Donna simply stated. "I still have nightmares about it" Lana shivered with a look of disgust on her face as she remembered from when she over Donna's house a week ago.

"And, Eric" Hyde said grabbing Eric's face so that he'd focus, "cold. Definitely cold."

"What are his chances of survival?" Kelso said as he and Hyde turned to face Lana. "I'd say about 10%" she said smiling while turning the page in her magazine.


The four teens sat waiting for Eric to return. Lana had stolen her brothers sit and grabbed a magazine to help the time past. Donna was pacing around worrying about if Eric got caught and the two boys were helping themselves to Erica's collection of nudey magazines.

"Check it out." Hyde said before showing Kelso a picture of a topless women. They looked like they were hypnotized which made Lana roll her eyes, she now had her legs on top of the table.

"Lana and I see that every day." Donna while leaning over the couch before walking off to go sit back down. Leaving the two boys to come to this realization apparently for the first time.

Eric came running down the stairs before pulling out the five beers he hid behind his back. "He's alive!" Hyde exclaimed before grabbing two beers and handing one to Lana.

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