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Wedding Fever

Wedding Fever

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Why do we have to get all dress up for this stupid rehearsal dinner?" Fez asked as he pulled on his blazer

"Cause my mom said so," Lana said.

"And we don't argue with mommy," Hyde sighed as Lana helped him with his tie.

"Okay,so Jackie hasn't made me read a single Brides magazine. I'm telling you, man eva since I set her house on fire she's been acting really weird.

"Really how strange" Lana said in fake shock, as she went to help Fez with his outfit.

"Hey, I've been trying to get in good with Donna, you know what works for me?" Eric asked," I don't set her house on fire"

"Sure Hindsight's 20/20"

"Here, loser mom wants you to put this on," Laurie grumbled coming into the basement and handing Eric a tie.

"Hey, Laurie," Kelso said meekly as he tied his tie

Laurie turned around, "Where have you been, you idiot?"

"Oh, well Jackie was..."

"I told you never to say that name to me! We have a relationship!" Laurie yelled with a crazy look in her eyes.

"See, thats true so..."Kelso stuttered 

"Shut up!" Laurie said walking out of the basement.

Lana release a breath she didn't realize she'd been holding. She smoothed out her dress. It was a pale pink short dress, with sliver details on it, with the necklace Hyde got her. Her hair was straight and down.

"You're an ass, Kelso"

"Me? Why? he questioned

"You're sleeping around with my sister and cheating on my best-friend!" Lana yelled before walking out of the basement.


Lana was talking to Jackie before the wedding start. Micheal came over and Lana quickly left, not wanting to be in the middle of the conversation.

"Isn't this beautiful" Fez said looking around at the flouncy tacky decorations

"Its crap" Lana said

"Marriage is a sham, Man! Why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free?" Hyde said

"Because you love the cow" Lana said," Marriage isn't a sham. The sham is that they are only doing this, thinking it's going to solve all the problems in their marriage, but it won't. And they won't just hurt each other, it's going to hurt Donna too"

"Wow Lana you're sure the life of the party" Hyde said nudging her shoulder.

"Shut up," She said with a small smile," the ceremony is about to begin" she said getting up and moving to a sit in the aisle, Hyde got up with her and sat down next to her.

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