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"So he dated Sooyun for about five days and then kissed you and now he changed his mind to being with you?"

Grey smoke travelled through the air, twirling into pretty shapes before disappearing into the morning air. Min Yoongi wasn't a talkative person, and neither was he a social one, but here he was, standing next to Jungkook as they waited for school to start.

"I'd be careful if I were you", the older male continued as he dug the heel of his boot into the burning stump of the cigarette he had just dropped. He then dug into his pocket and got out another one.

Jungkook blew out a ball of smoke before leaning back against the brick wall behind him, "I didn't ask for your love advice".

"And I didn't ask to hear your sickening love story while all I wanted to do was to peacefully smoke my cigarette alone, but I guess we just can't get what we want", the white haired boy retorted before bringing the burning stick to his lips, "Anyway, I don't understand how he switched so easily. I don't trust the guy".

"Since when do you talk back to me?", Jungkook asked, ignoring the other's words, "And give advice, for god's sake?"

"Because you just gave me a five minute monologue I didn't ask to hear", the boy retorted, "And stop avoiding the subject".

"I don't know why he kissed me in the library that day, alright?", the alpha huffed as he flicked the cigarette into the nearest trashcan instead of littering it like Yoongi had done.

He had done it once in the presence of Taehyung and had gotten a scolding out of it. Saying something about think about the environment for once! or something like that. "And it's not he declared he's with me now".

"And you probably don't care either", Yoongi mused, one hand pushing himself off the wall, "Look, you're just too mesmerized by the guy. Sure I get it, he's a pretty omega, but what's to say he won't run to the next guy in about five days? What's to say he won't cheat on you?"

The raven haired guy shook his head in denial, "He won't".

"But are you sure though?", Yoongi tilted his head, eyes narrowing dangerously, "Cause according to my calculations he still has to turn eighteen which means he still has to run into his mate. Can you handle that? Being tossed away because of his true mate?"

That stung.

"Who's to say he will actually meet his mate? Not many people do", Jungkook pushed his back off the wall and rolled his shoulders backwards, "Now excuse me, I have someone to meet".

He could tell the older was staring him down, could feel his eyes following him until he turned the corner. He wasn't sure why he told Yoongi about Taehyung. Maybe the insecurities were getting to him, especially after rolling around in bed all night, thinking about their kiss and what it had meant.

The blonde was easy to spot, standing in front of the steps waiting for him. Taehyung smiled brightly once he spotted Jungkook as well. The alpha was hesitant as he neared the younger boy, unsure on how he was supposed to act around him now.

Taehyung spread his arms and gave him his daily morning hug, at least that hadn't changed.

"How was your evening?", the omega asked as they made their way into school. People still stared at them whenever they walked inside but the nasty comments had become less frequent.

"My dad force fed me baked beans and then went to work", Jungkook said, stuffing both of his hands into his pockets so he wouldn't be tempted to grab the other's hand in his. Taehyung hummed in reply and they shortly stopped at the alpha's locker so he'd be able to grab his books.

"I was wondering, where did you go after school?", the omega asked as Jungkook grabbed his math book and calculator, "Your father thought you were in the library but I can clearly remember watching you walk out of school".

"You were watching me?", Jungkook raised an eyebrow as he looked back for a moment. Taehyung rolled around and gave the other's shoulder a push, "I wanted to talk to you but I was too nervous to do so- but that's not the point!"

"I went to work", the raven haired male replied casually and then closed his locker.

Taehyung frowned, "But your dad-"

"He can't know I work at the supermarket", Jungkook interrupted, "He'd be disappointed in himself for making his son work a student job because he can't sustain for the both of us".

"So you tell him you study in the library instead?", the omega tilted his head, finally realizing why Jungkook hadn't been home yesterday.

"I do actually study in the library but just not every day. I'm in there every lunch break anyway", he shrugged. They continued their way up the stairs where Jungkook had math and Taehyung had art.

"Good thing I didn't tell him anything yesterday", the omega mumbled before he suddenly started smiling, "By the way, can we please sit outside today instead of being surrounded by stuffy books once again?"

"Sure, but you don't have to sit with me during lunch, you know?"

"But I want to", Taehyung pouted, "And I want to talk to you which is quite impossible to do in a library where all you get is a shhhh whenever you open your mouth".

"Alright I get your point", Jungkook laughed, "We'll meet each other outside then".

And with that they went into their separate classrooms.

What do you think about what Yoongi said?

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