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The attacks started getting more vicious as time passed. At the same time they had gotten sneakier as well. They hit him in places that couldn't be seen when he wore clothes and they only attacked him when he was alone.

Jungkook tried his hardest to hide himself every time he had gotten beat up again, fearful of Taehyung's reaction. He was terrified about the fact that maybe Taehyung would begin thinking this was his fault. He was afraid the omega would stop dating him to protect him since the threats had only begun when they had started dating.

Jungkook hid his pain because rather dealt with the physical pain he was put in instead of dealing with the mental pain he'd get when losing Taehyung.

Jungkook began noticing certain things after some time such as the people that attacked him acting like they were mere messengers. They didn't seem out to get him for their own personal fun but rather did it because they were told to.

If that was the case, then somebody was sending them out to hurt him. But who could that person be? Who hated him this much?

Now he thought of it, many people at school had enough of a reason to hate him. Maybe it was someone that wanted revenge for what he had done all those years ago. Or maybe he saw it all wrong and maybe everyone in school just really wanted him gone from Taehyung's life.

Sooyun had begun to give him the angry eye as well, even though he never tried harassing Jungkook himself. The other alpha wasn't one to lose his cool in public, but now he seemed furious every time Jungkook walked past.

His friends always had to grab him by the arms to keep him from pouncing on the alpha and it confused Jungkook because it had been quite a few weeks already since Taehyung had kissed him behind the book shelves.

They had only dated for a few days so he thought Sooyun would be over it by now but the boy seemed angrier than ever.

Jungkook got a note in his locker a few days later. He frowned as he picked up the yellow sticky note that had been slipped between the cracks of his locker.

He quickly hid the note from Taehyung's sight since the omega was leaning against the lockers beside him. The blonde was too busy glaring at all the passerby's and this gave Jungkook time to scan the writing on the note.

Meet me in classroom 13B during PE

None of his attackers had ever given him a warning beforehand, since it seemed silly to warn someone about a beating they were going to get that day. He wondered about the person that wrote the note but was quick to stuff the note into his pocket when Taehyung began talking to him.

I'll check out who this person is, the alpha thought to himself as a chattering omega smiled at him, it can't be worse than the beatings I have received already.

Instead of following his classmates to PE after his class of biology, he took the stairs up to look for classroom 13B.

His heart raced as he stepped closer to the said room and he knocked on the door before going inside. Jungkook knew who was inside before he saw him. The scent of oakwood and pine traveled through the air and Sooyun turned around when he heard the door click shut.

"You're actually dumb enough to follow a random note's instructions", the alpha spoke up once they made eye contact. Jungkook didn't seem fazed about the other's words and merely leant back against the closed door, arms crossed.

"Why did you write the note?", he asked.

Sooyun stepped closer and Jungkook could see how the other boy's irises were flickering between brown and red. He looked really angry.

"You sure are hardheaded", the alpha chuckled as he neared the other, "Beating after beating you have received and you still hang around Taehyung like he's yours to have".

"You dated the guy for about five days, can't you get over it already?", Jungkook retaliated, wondering why the other was acting like this.

Suddenly something clicked inside of him as he repeated Sooyun's words inside his head, "Wait- are you telling me you're behind all of this?"

The boy tilted his head to the side, almost innocent like, "Am I behind what?"

"Don't tell me it was your plan to get me beat up every day?", Jungkook gritted his teeth and growled when the other started laughing, "You fucking asshole! Why would you do that?"

A harsh fist landed on the nearest desk and he almost jumped at the sudden impact. "Because Taehyung is mine!", Sooyun yelled, fist shaking as he retracted it from the desk that was now dented.

"He isn't someone's property!", the alpha retorted and felt the anger radiating from the other when he stepped even closer, "He isn't yours and he isn't mine".

The boy suddenly began snickering, "Oh he's mine, alright". He was only a few centimeters away by now and Jungkook could smell the fury on the other. "Just stay the fuck away from him".

"I'll stay away from him if he wants me to", Jungkook spat, gritting his teeth as they made eye contact, "You can't tell me shit".

"You're such a pathetic excuse of an alpha", Sooyun spoke and before he knew it, Jungkook had been picked up and tossed to the side, his back hitting a desk. The other didn't seem fazed and merely grabbed the doorknob and opened the door before giving Jungkook another deadly glare.

"Enjoy whatever time you have left with him", the alpha spoke as he saw Jungkook push himself off the desk, "Cause their isn't much left".

And then he was gone.

Jungkook rubbed his lower back in pain and growled, "What the actual fuck just happened?"

It's getting started ooooh

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