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Jungkook was quite happy today. It had been a week and Taehyung still hadn't left him for another guy, like a certain white haired guy had predicted would happen. Even though technically they weren't together yet, he was still quite pleased with himself.

That morning he had told the white haired guy about the fact Taehyung still hadn't kissed another guy. "Not that you know of", Yoongi had answered which had ticked off Jungkook just a bit.

He wondered if Yoongi had a reason to be so bitter about love, but then again, he wasn't sure if he'd ever get an answer out of the older if he asked him about it. He'd probably get a punch in the face instead.

It was lunch now and the two boys spend it together in the sun on a random bench that was in the school's courtyard. Eating lunch outside was quite pleasant and they could freely talk about everything and anything. Though Jungkook sometimes missed the atmosphere from the library, he loved the fact he was able to get to know Taehyung even better.

Taehyung often shared the snacks he brought for lunch since Jungkook never brought enough to eat. The omega had started bringing even more snacks, almost double the amount he'd usually eat, and always shared half of what he had. He had claimed it was because he got really hungry after PE, but Jungkook knew it was because of him.

They had talked about a lot of things the past week but that was, unfortunately, all they had done. Untrue to Taehyung's words, they had never continued to where they had stopped kissing. It aggravated Jungkook just a little bit but it's not like he had the guts to do something about it.

"Actually, I wanted to ask you about something?", Taehyung suddenly spoke up, breaking the comfortable silence they had been in.

Jungkook looked up from the packet of salt crisps he had his hand dug into, "Sure, what is it?" Even though the sun was out and the sky was clear, a cold breeze ruffled their clothes and made the other boy shiver. The alpha had shrugged off his jacket at the beginning of lunch and it was now draped over Taehyung's shoulders.

"That day I tried visiting you, your father told me that you're supposed to be graduated already", the omega spoke as he grabbed a barbecue chip out of his own bag, "But doesn't that mean that you're 19 already?"

"Why? Do you think I'm too old for you?", Jungkook joked and he got a light punch onto his shoulder as answer. He chuckled and fished out another chip.

Taehyung rolled his eyes, "I'm not that young. I'll be eighteen at the end of this year". The alpha smiled and dug into the packet again.

"I know what you're going to ask already", he mused as he shoved crisps into his mouth.

Taehyung tilted his head, seemingly surprised, "Really?"

"You're wondering why I don't have a mate", Jungkook casually replied and he kicked his feet forward, "And my answer to that is, nope, I don't have one".

The omega frowned, "You never found your mate?"

"I never met him or her. But I'm kind of glad actually", Jungkook explained, "If it was anyone at school, they would have probably rejected me and I don't think I could have lived with the pain".

Taehyung nodded in what seemed to be understanding. He shoved his mouth full of crisps as well before scrunched the packet into a little ball now it was empty.

"Are you curious to find out who yours is?", Jungkook asked as he watched the blonde stuff the packet into his bento box so he wouldn't have to walk all the way to the trash can at the other side of the field.

Taehyung shook his head, "Not really".

The alpha frowned and scrunched his own packet into a ball as well, "Why not?"

"Because I have you already", the omega declared and the words shot an arrow right through Jungkook's heart. The alpha started spluttering and he could feel his cheeks start burning.

"I-I'm less than a true mate Taehyung", he stuttered out. His face could have servesd as a heater at that moment with how hot he was getting. "We aren't even dating".

"Yeah I know", Taehyung sighed as he dropped his bento box in his backpack and zipped it shut afterwards, "I was waiting for you to ask me on a date".

Jungkook choked on his spit once again. The packet fell out of hand and Taehyung glared at the plastic now lying on the ground. "W-What? Really?"

"I thought it might hurt your pride as an alpha if I asked you out", the omega admitted and he reached down to pick up the packet.

"I have absolutely no pride left if you can't tell already", he pointed at his blazing cheeks. Taehyung chuckled and pushed the packet back into his hand. Jungkook stuffed the plastic into the pocket of his jacket and looked down, feeling his cheeks still burn with the heat of a thousand suns.

Taehyung tilted his head and reached out his hand. The alpha flinched as the cold large hand was placed onto his burning right cheek, seemingly trying to cool it down, but the contact with Taehyung even made it worse.

The omega giggled and dropped his hand when he realized his touch was affecting Jungkook for the worse. "Am I waiting on something that is never going to happen and should I just ask you?"

Jungkook awkwardly cleared his throat, "Since I'm too much a pussy to do so, please ask me". His right foot started rubbing circles onto the ground, feeling too shy to look up and make eye contact now.

"Jungkook", Taehyung declared and smiled when he saw the alpha stiffen in anticipation, "Do you want to go on a date with me?"

A short pause.

"No, I don't think so".

The omega punched his shoulder.

"Of course I'd love to go on a date with you", Jungkook laughed, shyness quickly washing away as the omega joined in on the laughter. They smiled at each other, cheeks almost straining at the large smiles that painted their faces.

"Good, I already had something in mind", Taehyung declared as he dug into his backpack to find something to drink.

The alpha looked surprised, "Really?"

"Yeah, ever since I thought about the chance of you being too much of a pussy to ask me out, I realized I should also know a date to take you on", the blonde admitted and unscrewed the cap of his water bottle.

Jungkook's cheeks were back to burning, but this time they were only a rosy pink, "That- that's very cute".

"I know, I am cute", Taehyung smiled and he threw the water bottle back into the backpack. He then turned towards the other once again with a grin, "Now can we make out?"

Jesus, Taehyung was getting bolder by the day.

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