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The next night, when Jungkook and Taehyung are both still awake, huddled up in their little tent, he tells the alpha about Jimin's plan. At first, Jungkook isn't too happy with it, immediately grumbling things about how there's no way he's letting his dad move in with an alpha he barely even knows and things like who says the man doesn't have a secret sex dungeon which honestly makes Taehyung's snort, much to Jungkook's dismay.

After a while of discussing all the ups and downs of Namjoon moving in with Jimin, Jungkook finally states that it is Namjoon's decision and if he'll feel comfortable with it, then why not?

Taehyung knows his mate well enough to see through his disguise. Jungkook doesn't feel comfortable with the though of being away from his omega dad, wanting to be able to protect him from possible harm but also knowing he can't decide what his father wants. Maybe the thought of living on his own, without his dad around, scares him. It had just been the two of them for so long that separating from each other was a fear Jungkook might only come to know of now.

The next week Namjoon arrived home, a big grin on his face though his whole body seemed a bit nervous, Jungkook could smell the stress from miles away. "What is it?", he asks his father when they are having dinner and the man still hadn't spoken a word.

"Jimin asked me to move in with him", were the next words, spoken by a jittery Namjoon who hoped that this information wouldn't set off an atomic bomb in their household. "And I accepted his invitation".

To his surprise, Jungkook stayed silent and then he was nodding, like actually agreeing with his words.

For a second Namjoon started worrying if this was really his son. Had an imposter made their way into their home and switched bodies with his son? But no, Jungkook was really in front of him, not protesting, not arguing, just sitting there and finishing the rest of his dinner.

"Are you happy with him?"

The man looked up to see his son staring at him, eyes piercing into his. Namjoon dropped his chopsticks and folded his hands together, "I am".

"That's great dad", Jungkook gave him a lopsided smile, "I am really happy for you".

Taehyung could feel the emotion swimming in the air, coming from both of the other people sitting around the table. Namjoon's eyes started watering though he tried blinking them away when he continued his dinner. Jungkook's hand found his mate's underneath the table and Taehyung squeezed the smaller hand in his as a praise. Jungkook had done well.

After that, they talked about plans for the future. Now Namjoon would be living with Jimin, the two mates could get an apartment of their own. It would be small but it would be better than the tent. The caravan would be moved to Jimin's garden where it would be kept as a memory. They all knew the caravan couldn't go anywhere else since Namjoon wouldn't be able to say goodbye to it.

Life continued as it was. February changed to March and then spring came around until it was April. Taehyung and Jungkook stood in front of a small apartment building that was just two streets away from school.

The early morning sun shone on both of their backs, warming their bodies as they stared at what would be their new home. They both carried a few boxes which contained the few belongings they had and a shiny key dangled from Jungkook's pinky.

"Ready?", he asked his mate who was still gaping at the second floor where the little balcony of their apartment could be seen. Taehyung glanced at the alpha and smiled, "So ready".

The apartment was small but cozy and it was furnished already. The living room contained a couch, a small coffee table and some bookshelves. A little table with two chairs also stood against the wall of the living room, serving as the place to eat.

The kitchen and living room were combined and so it was easy to talk if one of them was cooking while the other sat on the couch. There was one bedroom and one bathroom and that was it. The bed that had originally been in the bedroom had been broken and both of them had been sure it was filthy from the previous owners.

When Namjoon and Jimin came to inspect the apartment beforehand, to give their blessing of the place, they had both been shocked at seeing the bed. Jimin had offered to buy them a bed as a present but Namjoon had protested, stating it'd cost too much money.

Now, a brand new bed stood in the bedroom, equally paid by both Jimin and Namjoon. The bedroom also contained one closet and one bedside table.

"It's almost perfect", Taehyung sighed as he turned on his heels to inspect the apartment, the boxes in his hands now on the coffee table, "It just needs a little bit more of- us".

The first thing they did was clean the apartment since dust had settled everywhere from having no one living inside the space for so long. The floors, counters, the bathtub, the toilet, the inside of the closet and the cupboards got a good scrub. The large window that lead to their little balcony was swung open to let in fresh air as the sun now cast its warm rays inside the living room.

Their clothes went into the closet, their new bedsheets were spread onto the bed. The small amount of plates, pots and pans they had went into the cupboards and the fresh food they bought when into the small fridge.

Jungkook placed their school books onto the bookshelves of the living room and he threw the pillows and blankets they got from the caravan onto the couch. In the mean time Taehyung started cooking some food, the stuffy air from before now replaced by fresh air with a hint of noodle scent that hung around the apartment.

"We'll still have to study at the library", Jungkook sighed as stepped outside onto the balcony where the sound of the bustling city down below could be heard. Cars sped down the street as people with shopping bags and such chattered among each other. It was quite the change from the quiet and peaceful trailer park they had been used to.

Taehyung carried two bowls and placed them onto the little table in the living room, smiling as he watched the noodles swim around in the chicken broth. "We're used to the library anyway", he spoke and then ushered Jungkook inside.

They both sat down, having their first lunch in their new home.

Jungkook slurped some noodles into his mouth before chewing, "It's crazy to think that we might live here for a long long time".

"We still have to see about college", Taehyung spoke, "If you get that scholarship, you won't be living here".

"M'not leaving you here alone", the alpha frowned as he enjoyed the taste of the salty noodles. His mate was a really great cook. "Besides, it's still months away. We'll see about what we'll do when it happens".

It was true dilemma. Jungkook was aiming for a scholarship in Seoul, which was almost on the other side of the country. If he did get into university there, he wouldn't be living here for at least three years. What would Taehyung do if that did happen? Would he move to Seoul as well or would he stay here to attend community college?

We'll see about that in the next & last chapter of Nicotine!

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