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"Taehyung", the principal turned to the omega who flinched when the attention was brought onto him, "Don't you notice anything?"

The blonde frowned and gazed around, wondering what he should notice. He then shook his head, unsure of what the principal wanted from him.

The man sighed, "Your fated mate just died. The human may have survived, but his wolf is gone. Don't you think you should be feeling something?"

This seemed to make something click inside of Taehyung's brain and he reached for his chest with a gasp, "Why am I not in pain? Our bond died, didn't it?"

"It did", the principal nodded, "Your wolf is still in shock but he won't be for long. As soon as it realizes that the bond with your true mate is gone, all hell will break loose".

The omega's hand grasped at his shirt, panic settling in as he thought of the pain he had been feeling when his wolf had been yearning for Sooyun after that mark. Would it be worse than that? He was sure he wouldn't be able to handle that.

"So what should we do?", Jungkook urged, jumping into the conversation as Taehyung's breathing grew erratic, "Will Taehyung survive this?"

"Yes", the man nodded, "But it will be pure agony if you don't erase the mark off him. The mark will begin to burn and it won't stop until your wolf has stopped mourning the alpha's death, which can take up to years".

Taehyung gasped for air at hearing this, knowing he would never be able to handle so much pain for so long. Jungkook held onto the omega's shoulder as Taehyung almost collapsed against him, his heart beating too fast and his breath growing too erratic.

"How do I erase the mark?", Jungkook asked with hurry in his voice, "I'll do anything".

The principal slid his eyes from the omega to the alpha who looked like he was willing to go hell and back for the blonde. "You have to mark him in the exact same spot Sooyun did. Taehyung's wolf will have to accept the mark but if it doesn't, you'll have to force it into submission".

Taehyung froze at that, "So it will be against my wolf's consent? Will it bleed again?"

"I'm not sure, this sort of situation hasn't happened often before. If your wolf does accept him as your new mate, it won't be much a hassle", the man replied, quite unsure.

Namjoon grabbed onto Taehyung to calm him down, knowing another omega's presence often reassured others. Yoongi patted the boy's shoulder and told him Jungkook would do his best and then showed his gummy smile.

The principal stepped closer to Jungkook and leant down before whispering something in his ear. The alpha's eyes widened and he curtly nodded, though his features were worried. He gently took Taehyung's hand in his and tugged him along.

"Where are we going?", Taehyung asked as he hurried after the other. The group of bystanders had slowly dissipated and Sooyun had disappeared along with his friends and family.

Jungkook began to slowly run, "Somewhere where we can be alone".

"We can go to my house. My parents are at work and I can tell the staff to leave us alone?", Taehyung offered as he followed after the other.

Jungkook seemed to hesitate for a bit before agreeing with the omega's offer. "We should move quick", he whispered and they started running.

Taehyung shooed the maids away as soon as they arrived home. He told them to stay away from the right side of the house where his room was situated in, shortly informing them not too worry if they heard any screams. The omega was prepared for the suffering he was about to undergo but he silently hoped his wolf would be in shock for just a while longer.

The blonde locked the door behind them once they got into his bedroom and he then pushed Jungkook forward to the bed. Taehyung's hand grabbed onto the ends of his own shirt and tugged it off, flinging it somewhere in the room.

"I don't want this shirt to have blood stained on it", the omega shyly whispered as he noticed the stare of the other on his body, "It's hard to get out and I like that shirt".

Jungkook closed his mouth that had gone dry and nodded. He motioned Taehyung over to the bed and gently tugged him down so he was on his back. "I'll try to be gentle", he whispered as he straddled the boy's waist, "I don't know how your wolf will react".

"Just please try", Taehyung bared his neck. Jungkook reached out and unwound the bandage around his shoulder to show the mark. It was slightly healing but still looked painful and Jungkook was about to rip the skin apart again.

He took a deep breath of courage and leant down, eyes flashing red as his canines extended. Taehyung closed his eyes as he braced himself for the pain to come and soon enough his body was screaming out of pain.

Jungkook jolted when the other's voice told him to stop, but he couldn't as he was only half way into the previous mark. He needed to go deeper to claim the omega for real, to wipe away Sooyun's existence on his body.

Taehyung let out a loud growl and his eyes shone a bright blue as he fought back against Jungkook's arms that kept him pinned down onto the bed. It seemed Taehyung's wolf really didn't want another mate and was rejecting this mark.

Jungkook tasted the metallic taste of blood on his tongue as he finally backed away from Taehyung's shoulder. The boy was trembling and furiously trying to push Jungkook off but the alpha knew better than to release him. "Taehyung", he spoke firmly, trying to get the omega to pay attention to him but it was futile. The blonde's wolf had taken over and had no intention on listening to Jungkook.

"Taehyung", he now boomed, alpha voice in working, "Stay still".

This succeeded in getting the omega quiet and pliant but the heavy glare on his face still told him that the human side of him was buried deep down.

"I am your mate now", Jungkook told him, hands pushing the omega even deeper in the bed, "If you don't accept me, I'll make you accept me".

Even though this went against everything he stood for, the consent that was so important to him, he knew this was needed. Taehyung had given him consent and his wolf was still pining for a wolf that didn't exist any longer.

"Submit to me", he growled but the blonde did nothing but growl back.

Jungkook remembered the principal's words and shuddered. He couldn't do that. There was no way he was going to put Taehyung through that. He wasn't even sure if it would work.

"Taehyung please listen to me".

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