The Burrow Info

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Disclaimer: All the characters in this story, and creavtive objects/name goes to the author of Harry Potter, J.K. Rowling. I own nothing besides the two characters, Marley and Clary.


Marley Ann Evans (Riddle)

Age: 19

Birthday: June 31

Personality: She is very stubborn, always thinks of others first, which can sometimes be a bad thing. She cries whenever, she's upset, sad, embarrassed, sad, almost all the time. She gets embarrassed easily as well, but she is sweet and understanding. She loves singing and playing piano, but most importantly she loves her little angel.  She is very modest and self conscious, and doesn't think highly about herself.  As well as innocent, even if she does have a child, she is innocent and naïve at time. Sometimes she thinks very ill of herself, and is afraid of what people may think of her, if she were to tell them who her father was.

Info: she's a muggle, even though both of her parents were wizard and witch. She lives in a small apartment in Diagon Alley with her daughter, and works at the Leaky Cauldron, but not as often as she used to since the return of Voldemort and Dumbledore dying. She wishes one day though to be a piano/music teacher, and to keep her daughter safe. Because unlike her, her daughter is a witch, and has a strange power as well, but then again so does Marley, but she doesn't know it yet.

Likes: playing games, singing/playing the piano, pizza, having fun with her daughter, and being a child sometimes.

Dislikes: Violence, blood, nightmares, not being able to protect her daughter, being called a bad mom, people picking on others less fortunate, and guys trying to take advantage of her because of her looks.

Other: When her mother and she were living together, they changed their last name to Evans, her mother's mothers' maiden name, so people wouldn't find out about them, and so Voldemort or death eaters could find them.

Clarissa Rose Evans (Riddle)

Age: 3

Birthday: July 31

Personality: Sweet, childish, smart, knows a lot more than you think a three year old would know. Mature for her age, knows when things are serious and things are fun. Kind, shy, loves to laugh, and can make almost any person smile. She's also cute and adorable, but like her mother she tends to cry easily, but not when she gets hurt, physically, only emotionally. She's very easy to talk to though, if she isn't shy around you.

Family: She doesn't know her grandparents, or her father. She only knows her mother.

Likes: Strawberries, the color blue, playing games, playing with her magic, singing, and dancing.

Dislikes: the dark, snakes, and seeing her mommy cry.

Other: She has a very special gift, which she could do since she was 2, she can teleport. Wherever and whenever she wants to. She doesn't realize it that it could be dangerous, she just thinks its fun, but now her mommy told her to only do it when its necessarily or when she told her she was allowed to. She can also do magic, but nothing special or advance since she is only three.

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