18: Weasley, Kiss Me

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Disclaimer: i do not own any of the harry potter characters, i only own mine =)

Chapter 18: Weasley, Kiss Me

            The next day rolled around rather quickly as Clary woke me up.

"Mommy, mommy wake up." I heard Clary say as she started to shake me awake.

"Mmm what is it Clary?" I asked as my eyes fluttered open to see Clary awake.

"Mommy we're not home. We're in a strange place." She responded sounded frightened as I smiled up at my little girl. I forgot that she had fainted and she was passed out all the way here.

"Don't worry honey we are at Aunt Muriel's house. Mrs. Weasley's auntie." I replied smiling at her.

"Why aren't we home?" she asked as I remembered she started to call the burrow her home, and in a way it was our home for that short amount of time.

"Because sweetie bad people were there so we are staying here for awhile." I responded as I looked at her. She nodded.

"Is Freddie and Georgie okay? Are Ginny, and granny and grandpa okay?" she asked looking at me, I raised an eyebrow when she said granny and grandpa.

"Granny and Grandpa?" I asked questionably.

"Yeah, Mr. and Mrs. Weasley. Granny and Grandpa." She said with a smile, as I smiled back, I hope that was okay with Mr. and Mrs. Weasley that she started calling them granny and grandpa.

"Yes dear, everyone is okay. Now come on let's go and see how everyone is doing this morning." I said as I stood up and walked outside with Clary. Everyone was already at the breakfast table eating, Mrs. Weasley must have cooked, but I didn't notice Mr. Weasley anywhere.

Once we arrived at the table the whole family instantly looked up at me with a smile, well except for Aunt Muriel who just continued to read the daily prophet. "Good morning." I said with a smile even though there was a blush on my cheeks, Clary smiled as well.

"Good morning dear, and hello Clary, how are you feeling?" Mrs. Weasley said as she smiled down at Clary.

"Good." She said with a smile as she took a seat next to Fred and I sat next to Ginny, but whenever I looked up at Fred he seemed to always be staring at me, and then the blush would creep on my face once again.

"Humph, you shouldn't be sleeping in until noon, especially since you're staying at another persons' home." Muriel said as she glared at me, for some reason this woman just did not like me.

"I'm sorry, I'm not usually a morning person." I said honestly, I mean I was never a morning person.

"Aunt Muriel leave Marley alone, I let her sleep in at my home. She's a nice girl." Mrs. Weasley said looking at the woman she only frowned.

"And why is she sleeping in the same room as Ginny? I've never heard of a couple about to get married sleeping in different rooms." Aunt Muriel responded, as Fred, George, and Clary all raised their eyebrows.

"Marley's getting married?" George asked suspiciously as Fred looked at me questionably and I felt my cheeks heat up.

"Who's the lucky fellow, because whoever he is a bet he's a real nark." Fred said harshly as I grinned, oh gosh, I thought Mrs. Weasley told them, apparently not.

"What do mean who's the lucky fellow? Molly is Fred joking that nonsense like he always does?" Muriel asked Molly as she smiled.

"Of course he is. You know Fred, Fred honey stop playing around, I already told Aunt Muriel that you and Marley are engaged to be married." She said looking at Fred with a twisted smile. Fred immediately spit out his drink he was drinking, and raised his eyebrows.

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