11: The Devil's Spawns AKA The Weasley Twins

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Disclaimer: I do not own any of the harry potter characters they all belong to J.K. Rowling.

Chapter 11: The Devil's Spawns AKA The Weasley Twins

            The next few days went back quickly, I had basically screamed my head off at the twins for telling Ron, Harry and Hermione that lie, and all they did was laugh. The other three still for some reason believed the twins' lie! So every time I saw Harry I was embarrassed, but it was finally passing over and he was actually talking to me like a normal person. Other than the twins' antics, I was busy with Mrs. Weasley helping with the wedding that was already in 3 days! Can you believe that? That meant that Clary's birthday was the day after tomorrow! And I still had yet to give her anything; I'm a horrible mother... I had just finished cleaning up the sitting room and was going upstairs to inform Ron that Mrs. Weasley wanted to me to make sure that his room was clean, and to get the three to sort out all the wedding presents in Mrs. Weasley's room, but when I got to the second floor I felt hands pull me into a room as I looked to see none other than the evil twins themselves.

"Fred! George! Don't do that!" I yelled at the two smiling twins, I then looked to see Clary was passed out on Fred's bed. "When did Clary fall asleep?" I asked turning my attention to my littler girl.

"About an hour ago." George replied as Fred continued.

"She should be waking up soon, she doesn't sleep more than an hour usually." He said with a grin.

"Alright well mind telling me why you two pulled me into your room?" I asked finally standing up after being thrown on the floor. They had their evil smiles on their faces once again.

"We heard from a little birdie that you could sing." Fred said happily as I felt the blush form on my cheeks again.

"Pffft. Me sing? Nope, I'm a horrible singer, sound like a dying cat." I replied as they raised their eyebrows at me.

"Marley, you're a horrible liar." George said as Fred nodded his head in agreement.

"Well that's because I don't usually lie!" I said frustrated and embarrassed they caught me in that lie, I thought it was pretty good.

"Now listen, mum has assigned us to a job." Fred started.

"Yes a very important job, for Fleur and Bill's wedding." George continued.

"It involves you Marley." Fred said with a smirk as I blushed.

"How so?" I asked quizzically.

"Well since this little birdie told basically everyone you could sing-"Fred started.

"Mum has assigned us to get you to sing a song for Fleur and Bill's wedding for the reception afterwards." George continued with a smile, as I felt my head shaking vigorously.

"No. No. No. No way. I am not singing in front of people." I said as I started to walk towards the door but was stopped by the tall red head known as Fred, as he stood in front of the door. "Move Fred, I am not singing at the wedding."

"No, see if we don't get you to sing. Mum will have our heads." He replied with a grin.

"Yeah and you wouldn't want us to get in trouble just because you won't sing one measly little song at the wedding?" George asked.

"I wouldn't mind. You two need some discipline in your lives." I said nonchalantly.

"Blimey love, didn't know you hated us that much." Fred said using the guilt trip I frowned. I was not about to give in.

"I don't hate you guys, but I just don't want to sing in front of people, I mean first off I wouldn't know what to sing, and second off I don't have any instruments to play songs." I replied as Fred and George both smirk.

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