4: Evil Snake Dude's Daughter Backstory

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Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or any of the Characters from the books/movies. ALl rights go to J.K. Rowling. I only own Marley, Clary, and Courtney Evans.

Chapter 4: Evil Snake Dude's Daughter's Backstory 

            "You're what?" I heard the twins gasp; great I'm already making enemies. "You don't mean the evil snake dude, do you?" Fred asked, I wanted to laugh at his description of my father, it was true though, he was evil and he did look like a snake.

"Yeah, that's what I mean. Mr. Weasley, if you do not believe me my mother wrote a letter. In the letter she told me I was suppose to come here, that I'd be safe here... that you'd be able to take me in..." I said trying to sound strong, but I was still so afraid that they wouldn't except me, and just throw me and Clary out right now. (Oh and to let you know Marley and everyone have moved into the living room, Ron and everyone else is in the room, but she doesn't know who they are, she's just basically talking to Mr. Weasley.) I looked around for my jacket, as I stood up and reached into my pocket and quickly took out the picture or the Burrow and the letter. I turned around and instantly blushed; it seemed like all the eyes were on me. I hadn't even notice that there seemed to be a lot more people in the room. There was Mr. and Mrs. Weasley, their daughter, the twins Fred and George, and then three more people were in the room that I had happened not to notice. A boy who looked around my age, with the same fiery orange hair as the rest of the kids, probably another son, another male who looked older, but shared the same resemblance of all the Weasleys, though he had a bit more charming and sophisticated look to him. Then the one person besides Clary and I who didn't have flaming orange hair was the girl sitting next to the charming male. She had long blonde hair and was very beautiful, it was then that I realized she was part veela, I had read about them, but never have I've seen one in real life. She was very beautiful, and I felt quite inferior standing in the same room as her. I then noticed she had an engagement ring on her finger, she and the charming man must be engage to be married.

"Well erm... here you go Mr. Weasley." I said awkwardly, I've never had this much attention on me, I handed him the slightly crumpled up letter. Clary was sitting in between the twins; she managed to get very close to those two boys in such a short time. Well maybe if they don't accept me here, they will at least accept Clary. She tried looking to see what the letter said, this was the first time she was hearing about this as well, I had told her about her grandma, but never about her grandfather, and I don't think I ever fully will tell her about her grandfather. He was too cruel and horrid for me to speak about him.

Once Mr. Weasley was done looking at him, his wife looked over at him, waiting to see what he would say, but he just kept silent. It seemed like he was either too shock to speak or just didn't want to. "Look, Mr. Weasley I can leave if you want, if any of you feel uncomfortable with my presence here I can leave. But the only thing I ask is that you keep Clary safe." I said finally looking at all the people in the room; Clary looked at me for a second and then jumped off the couch and ran over to me.

"Mommy! You said you wouldn't leave though." She said grabbing onto my leg.

"And she isn't going to leave." I heard Mrs. Weasley reply before I could even say anything. I looked up at her as she smiled at me, a warm loving smile. She then looked over at her husband and family. "Arthur, this is Courtney's daughter, not He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named daughter. Courtney's. Now does anybody have a problem in this room with Marley staying with us?" Mrs. Weasley asked as she looked around the room, no one even spoke.

"Why of course not!" Fred and George both exclaimed, as they stood up. Fred walked over to with a smile.

"It would be a pleasure to house the daughter of the snake man. You're highness; please you may use me as a doormat whenever you need." Fred said as he grabbed my hand and kissed it. He then bowed as his brother did the same; I blushed at the contact when Fred's lips met my skin. It was like an electric current ran through my system. I heard Clary giggle at their silliness.

The Burrow (A Fred Weasley Fan Fiction)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz