12: Incognito

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Disclaimer: DO not own any of the Harry Potter characters all rights goes to J.K. Rowling. I only own Marley, and Clary.

Chapter 12: Incognito

       The next morning it seemed we were cleaning like crazy even Clary was cleaning, because around eleven o'clock the Delacours were going to arrive, they were Fleur's parents. Harry, Ron, Ginny and Hermione were starting to get annoyed because i don't know how many times they had to fix something of their appearance. Mrs. Weasley wanted them to look practically perfect, I wouldn't need to go down and meet the Delacours, because I would be too busy preparing lunch for them. Everything was so tidy by the time the Delacours were suppose to be here, they had even planted two new Flutterby bushes. Since there were so many security enchantments surrounding the burrow, it was no longer possible for someone to get there by magic. Therefore, Mr. Weasley had gone to meet the Delacours on top of a nearby hill, where they were arriving by Portkey.

I was making some lunch for the Delacours when they were to arrive while Mrs. Weasley was hustling and bustling to make whatever invisible dirt vanish. I had barely caught her in time before she went upstairs to make whatever other invisible dirt disappear. "Mrs. Weasley!" I called out; she turned around and smiled at me.

"Yes Marley?" she asked as I returned her smile.

"Is there some sort of store around here or muggle town not too far away that I could go to?" I asked her as she gave me a nod.

"Yes there is. There is Ottery, St. Catchpole, it's a small village not to far from here, and why do you ask?" she asked looking at me.

"Well tomorrow is Clary's birthday and-" but my sentence was cut short when Mrs. Weasley gave a yelp of surprise.

"Tomorrow??? Oh dear I didn't know that! It is Harry's birthday as well! Would you like me to do anything for her?" she asked as I smiled.

"No Mrs. Weasley it is okay. I just want to get her a small gift, you don't need to do anything extravagant for her, and she's only turning four. I didn't know it was Harry's birthday tomorrow as well. Well I guess I have to shop for two people then." I replied sweetly as Mrs. Weasley smiled.

"Well you can go to the village after you've met Fleur's parents, and yes Marley Fleur has already told her parents about you, and they are nice people." she replied with a smile. "Oh and if you go to the village today then take the Twins with you, because I don't know if it's safe for you to go by yourself, and I need the others for other jobs to do today."

"Okay. Thank you Mrs. Weasley, I guess I'll just go find the twins after they've met the Delacours." I replied with a smile, and then went back to the lunch I was making.

After awhile, I saw all the Weasley family that were in the house, along with Hermione and Harry go outside, apparently the Delacours had arrived, Clary had come downstairs to help me set the table, while they went out and greeted the Delacours.

I then heard laughing as the Weasley boys and Harry were carrying luggage and in came three people who were probably related to Fleur. Especially the woman, she was a beautiful blonde woman in a long leaf green dress, who was probably Fleur's mother. Then there was Monsieur Delacour who was nowhere near as attractive as his wife, he was ahead shorter and extremely plump, with a little black pointed beard. Then in came a little girl who looked like a miniature Fleur, she had waist length pure silvery blonde hair, and she had a dazzling smile.

"Marley and Clary come in here and vet me parents." I heard Fleur call out at once in her nice French accent, Clary and I walked into the living room and looked upon the family, pure beauty.

The Burrow (A Fred Weasley Fan Fiction)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora