Chapter 6

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They were sitting on the ground in the courtyard back in the Astadasha station. Laksh was cleaning his quiver and Anamika was helping him. She tried not to gag at the entrails that the arrows had caught. 

'Is this the one that pierced the stomach?' She glared at the crust of pisach blood on it. It reached the midsection of the arrow. A gob of something which she recognized as torn flesh was stuck on the arrowhead. 

He looked up from the work he was doing, his eyes on the arrow she was holding out toward him, 'No. That's the one that pierced the eye. The first arrow I fired at them.' He went back to wiping the inner surface of the quiver with a piece of cloth.

She cleaned the arrow gently, 'How do you even know?'

He gave her a cheeky smile, 'A good archer knows his arrows like the back of his hand.'

She rolled her eyes as she kept the clean arrow on the other side. She took another one of those dirty arrows and began to clean them. 'I prefer my talwar over these,' she swept her hands across the pile of dirty arrows. 'They're not so messy and they are very easy to clean.' 

He opened his mouth to answer.

'Archery is all about knowledge and patience, little one.'
A feminine voice spoke.

The two souls looked up to see Rohini towering over them. They were about to get to their feet to respect their guru but the older lady motioned them to sit. 'It is very rare that a soul possesses both these qualities.'

She placed her hand on Anamika's head in a loving manner. The younger soul was shocked by it. Rohini had always been a little distant with her.

'Kasa told me about your hunt,' She spoke, 'I am proud, Anamika. You are very strong despite your flaws. I do not know wherefrom they come or what causes them, but I appreciate that you are doing your best.'

Anamika beamed at the compliment.

'But,' the older lady kept her arms behind her back, her voice cold and dispassionate, 'next time if any Yamdhut asks you to lead, educate them about your rank. You are not the leader of this station, Dhurya is. Let him do his duty as you should do yours.'

Anamika felt like she had been stabbed. She felt insulted. Feeling Laksh's gaze on her, she summoned all her strength to keep herself from crying. 

She stared at Rohini blankly, 'I will not repeat this. I promise.'


Once Rohini was satisfied with Anamika's answer, she walked away.

There was a brief moment of silence. Laksh saw how broken his little sister looked. Anger bubbled inside him. He wanted to yell at the Rohini. 

He was mad at himself. He should've never given up the position to Dhurya when it was offered to him. Clenching his hands, he looked at Anamika. Her head hung low as she continued to clean his arrows. He saw a hint of gold near her eyes.

He never understood why Rohini was so mean to Anamika.


'Let it go, Laksh,' her voice shook.

'No, listen to me,' He put his quiver aside and moved toward her. He was determined to make her feel better. Looping his fingers under her chin, he aligned his eyes with hers. She was crying.

His core shook with sadness.

'Listen to me, you were great today-'

She cut him off, 'It was an insignificant hunt. Just an insignificant hunt. I did whatever Dhurya would've done. I followed orders, Laksh. I just followed Kasa.'

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