Chapter 17

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Anamika had introduced some major changes in the scouting duties. She had the most skilled archers on the towers under Laksh. None of the Nayaks protested when he was appointed.

'Laksh!' one of the archers hollered.

Laksh felt a wave of panic flood through him. He didn't have to reach the Rakshak to see what had alarmed him. He stared at the horizon where he saw it.

An army.

'I want you to inform the Eka Nayak, now!' He ordered the Rakshak who took off immediately.

A few moments later, Anamika followed by Kasa and Guru Gavistha reached the tower.

'Deva!' the Rakshak Guru exclaimed when he saw the army. 'They are here already.'

If one would look closely, they would see the tents that the daanavas were setting up. The fabric was white. They watched as a blood-red banner carrying the Daanavraj's crest was raised from one of the tents. It fluttered furiously as the harsh winds of the Yamlok fought against their presence.

'Good,' she said as she folded her arms behind her, 'We're ready.'

'That we are,' Kasa spoke from her left with a small smile on his face. She was half tempted to ask him if he could see Keval but she bit her tongue. Asking about a traitor wouldn't send a good message to the Rakshaks.

She had said so herself, let this battle be a lesson to all those who resort to treachery.

They watched as two figures emerged from the tents and made their way towards the Eka station.

Her core shook when she recognized them. The woman she had defeated and... Keval. She gritted her teeth as her rage bubbled inside her like lava in the core of the Prithvilok. She didn't intend to but she turned away, unable to contain the toxic mixture of emotions that swirled inside her making her feel sick.

'Guru Gavistha and I will go,' Kasa asserted but she had already made up her mind. She looked the Yamdhut who she had gotten close to. She willed her strength and offered a small prayer to the Yamraj for the same, 'Kasa and I will go.'

Kasa raised his brow inquisitively but gave in to her demands, 'As the Eka Nayak sees fit.'

The Rakshak Guru did not protest. He nodded solemnly.

They could've said 'no' to her, they had the authority but they trusted her decision. She was determined that she would not let them down.

She had never seen the gates of any station open. They were giant gates, made of dhatu that required mammoth strength to be moved. They never had to need to open the gates because of the varas. The gates creaked as they opened slightly. It required all the strong and bulky Rakshaks at the levers to do so.

The three of them could've scaled down the walls of the station, they were skilled enough to do that but Kasa insisted they use the gates.

They walked alongside the Mother River.

Anamika was nervous. Not because she was going to see him again but because she doubted herself. What if she attacked Keval there? The Daanavraj would have the complete right to annihilate the entire Rakshak for disrupting the rules of war. She didn't want to give him that advantage.

Kasa seemed to have grasped her worries.

'It will be fine,' He assured her.

She nodded. There was a short pause which was broken by her, 'So who'll do the talking?'

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