Chapter 18

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Keval was staring at the battlefield, completely lost in his thoughts. Shlok's crestfallen face haunted him as his mind reiterated the boy's words.

The Rakshaks had indeed treated him like family. There was no doubt about it in his mind.

He could see Anamika across the vast stretch of corpses- all of them were daanavas. He felt no shred of remorse for them but the loss of the Rakshaks felt like his own.

'It's amazing, isn't it?' Ainas' cheery voice flooded his ears, 'what I'm capable of?'

He shut his eyes, annoyed by her presence. All he wanted was a moment of peace, away from her. When he opened his eyes, she was standing next to him, admiring her handiwork, 'It's so beautiful and cruel.'

'It is.'

'Which is it?' She turned at him. He didn't understand why she needed his appreciation. 'Amazing, beautiful or cruel?'


She stayed awkwardly silent. He enjoyed every moment of it. He kept his eyes on the Anamika. He doubted if she would ever realize that he was looking at her. He could not see much of her as she was covered by the sticky blood of the daanavas. It was only her messy hair that he could see because of the great distance.

'Do you like the Eka Nayak?'

Ainas' question caught him off guard. He had not made it his intention to be so transparent. He glanced at Sakhi's hilt nervously. He wanted to deny but it was almost impossible to hide the surge of emotions that hit him the hardest it had ever.

'I do not fraternize with the enemy, Ainas,' He could not hide the edge in his voice.

'I'm sorry if I offended you,' she whispered, softly, 'you don't seem yourself so I...'

'So you assumed,' He lashed out. When he saw the hurt on her face, he knew he had taken it too far. That woman got on his nerves. He shook his head, disappointed with himself. Ainas and he were supposed to be a team. He looked over his shoulder and noticed that some daanavas were looking in their direction.

He cursed internally as he turned to her, 'I'm sorry, Ainas. That was out of line.'

Her face hardened. She clenched her fists and stormed off.

He didn't know what to do after that. He was hesitant to look in the general direction of the battlefield. As much as he didn't want to acknowledge it, he knew he did like the Eka Nayak in ways he should not.

He found himself wondering once again whether it was all worth it. Was his oath, his freedom worth so much? If he betrayed the Daanavraj he would come across as ungrateful. If the Demon King hadn't shown mercy, he wouldn't have never known about the Rakshaks. Once again, he suppressed his will to dishonour his oath. He told himself he should be happy that he had the privilege to be with them and move on... Do what was best for everyone.

Freedom wasn't what he thought it was anymore. The more he neared it, the more it felt like a monster lurking in the shadows. It was frightening.

He glanced in her direction again.

Anamika wasn't there anymore.

He shook his head and walked to his tent where he intended to get some rest, that is if his thoughts would allow him to.

He owed a lot to the Daanavraj, it would be a shame if he were unable to give his all to the battle, the one thing the monarch wanted. He had already failed His Majesty so many times but second-guessing himself, that he was tired of.

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