Chapter 8

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'That was an interesting fight, don't you think?' Shlok asked Utkarsha as he held out his hand to help his fellow Rakshak up. The other Rakshak replied, 'Yes. Your plan did not work.' He dusted his pants and reached for his talwar.

Keval rolled his eyes. He noticed Guru Gavistha walking toward them with Abhay in tow. Abhay grinned at his sahayudhayavan, and then addressed Keval, 'He tried to distract you, didn't he?'

Before Keval could reply, Shlok answered, 'In case you're wondering, it didn't work.' He didn't sound too happy about it.

'Abhay, I would like to talk to Keval,' the Rakshak Guru commanded. The Rakshak Nayak nodded and ushered everyone away. After his work was done, Abhay made himself scarce too. Keval wondered what the old man wanted to talk to him about. He went over his tale. There was nothing that would expose his intentions.

'Are you well, Keval?'

Keval knew better than to say he was fine. He shook his head and turned away. He had to appear crestfallen. 'I just wish I could've done something to save them,' he whispered. He hoped his voice sounded heavy enough to convince the old man that he was upset. It wasn't the answer to his question but it was good enough.

The Guru didn't say anything for some time. Each moment the passed, Keval found himself second-guessing his answer. 

It did seem convincing when he thought of it.

'Would you like to join us, Keval?' the old man asked. He stared at the glowing orbs in the sky.

It wasn't a question Keval was expecting. 'Am I not one of you?'

He received a snigger before Guru Gavishta explained, 'Your skills have impressed the others. You could be a part of the Eka ranks.'

But that would mean there would be no one to represent the Astha station, Keval told himself. He realized that he was being tested. The guru had his doubts and he was testing his loyalty. Keval was so close to having his cover blown.

The old man stopped and placed his hand on Keval's shoulder, 'You should take some time to think about it.'

Keval didn't take up the advice. He tried to sound agitated, 'I can't do that! Someone has to represent my station.' He reminded the guru that eighteen was a lucky number. He remembered when Ainas had told him about the superstition, he'd rolled his eyes.

'Very well, if that is what you want,' the Rakshak Guru said. He seemed to be satisfied with his answer. His gaze dropped to the ring on Keval's index finger, 'You already have the vartula. You're the Rakshak Nayak of the Astha station from this moment.'

Keval almost smiled. His newly acquired position gave him a lot of advantage.

'I want you to talk to a Yamdhut regarding the incident.'

He almost dropped his guard. Ainas had specifically told him to steer clear of the Yamdhuts. Her instructions were clear. Never look into their eyes. They'll painfully draw out every secret. Keval didn't want that. He shook his head, 'I'm not ready for it. I can't watch them die all over again.' He shut his eyes, praying to the devas. He didn't want to face a Yamdhut.

'Of course,' the old man bobbed his head understandingly.

Keval silently thanked the gods.

A moment silence passed. It was filled by the sweet humming of gushing waters. He guessed it belonged to the Mighty River, the Mother.

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