Hey, Benny, you better have your wood screwed...

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We were standing there watching O'Bannion going off on the poor kid . There was a difference between him and Benny and it's that Benny has a heart . All the guys try to get a few licks and scare the freshman  but O'Bannion takes it way to far .
" I would like to dedicate this first lick... to your mother. Fucker! Oh-ho, not yet. Oh, it's gettin' warmer" I looked towards Mitch wondering if his plan was going to work
" What the f*ck? " on the roof above was Tommy and Hirschfelder holding what seemed to be a bucket .
" Remember me, you pig? " suddenly a gallon of paint came down and drenched O'Bannion
" holy shit ! " I said laughing turning to the guys who looked shocked .
" You let that little f*ck get away! What is the matter with you? It's fuckin' pitiful! F*ck! Freshmen shit-heads! " he was mad ! No pissed ! And I was happy
"What the f*ck are you lookin' at, huh? Kick your fuckin' ass right now pussy " he made his was towards us
"What are you smilin' at, freshman faggot, huh? " he told Mitch pushing him a bit
"F*ck you. F*ck all of you! F*ck you! Goddamn it! " he threw his paddle on the floor breaking it before getting in his car and speeding off .
" Oh , man " Benny said putting his arm around me
" that was unreal " I said looking towards Mitch who had a smile on his face
" Benny lets go get that keg " Melvin said putting his hand on his shoulder and everyone started to go back inside
" alright man meet me by my truck " Melvin nodded
" I'll come and pick you up so we can go okay ? " Benny said
" alright baby " i said kissing him before he turned and ran towards Melvin again looking back at me with a smile on his face .
" So that's what you were talking about " pink said poking my hip
" yeah man , it wasn't my plan by the way " I said looking towards Mitch
" I know you're to good of a person " pink said as we walked towards Mitch and don .
" What y'all talking about huh ? " pink said
" That Julie chick loves Mitch " don said making Mitch blush
" Oh, yeah " I said
" You want her? Gotta play it cool, ya know. Can't let her know how much you like her. If she knows, she'll dump ya like that" don said
" that's the worst advice I ever heard " Jodie said coming out from the emporium standing next to pink .
" It really is but at the same time if you let a guy know how much you like him he will have you wrapped around his finger " I said
  " hmm so Benny " pink said laughing
  " shut up " I  laughed
" Exactly don't let her know how you feel Like if she asks you to ride out there with her, you say somethin' like, Nah, got my own ride, but maybe I'll see ya later " Don said
" Sounds stupid, doesn't it? " he said and Mitch just smiled
   " and I wonder why you're single " I said making the guys laugh
" Hey that's a choice " don said making me put my hands up in defense
   " Alright sure ! like we can't tell you have a thing for Shavonne " I said
   " shhhh ! " don said
" fuse ball ? " Pickford said peaking his head out the door
   " yeah let's go man " pink said and we made our way inside once again .

We spent a few minutes playing some fuse ball when Benny came to pick me up . We all started heading outside ready to make our way towards the moon tower
   " Hey man I'll see you over there " I told pink before getting in Benny's truck
  " check ya later " he said getting in the car with Mitch and don . I hopped in the middle seat and Melvin sat down and closed the door
   " ready ? " Benny said looking at me and I nodded . We started driving and I looked back seeing everyone vibing out in their cars
" So whats up with you guys huh ? " melvin asked
     "  she's my girl " Benny said
" who had the balls to say it first "  Benny laughed
" what do you mean ? " I asked facing Melvin .
  " I mean this brother has been talking about you for a while now " I looked at Benny who had a smirk on his face
  " I mean I am his bestfriend " I said looking out the window to see the guys trying to catch up to us
  " Benny has been trippin over you " I laughed and looked up at Benny
   "  Alright man don't try to expose me now " he said putting his hand around my thigh . I was about to turn the radio on when wooderson pulled up beside us
    " Oh, get back! Gangway! This is a moving party, butt face! " Benny yelled out the window smirking
" Hey, Benny, you better have your wood screwed... " wooderson yelled back laughing
"F*ck you! " Benny said
" Cause I'm gonna blow your doors completely off " we began laughing and started speeding off trying leave wooderson behind . We eventually made it to the moon tower arriving at the same time as the guys , we parked in the middle of the lawn next to pink and the guys .
" C''mon babe " Benny said helping me out the car , I didn't notice how many people were already here
" Luna let's smoke this joint man " Slater came towards me behind him was Pickford and Michelle
" oooh maybe later man I'm going to have a couple drinks " I said as Benny pulled the hood down on his truck
" don't bail on us " Pickford said putting his arm around Michelle
" I won't " I said shaking my head
" right on , I'm going to go sell this weed " Slater said leaving making Pickford and Michelle follow behind . People started piling around the keg trying to get a beer , out the corner of my eye I saw Melvin coming towards me with two beers
" drink up " he said handing me and Benny one
" here let me help you up " he said lifting me up on the truck
" hey come to mine after this " I said looking at Benny who was caught of guard
" you sure ? " he said
" yeah my moms not home , working a night shift " I said playing with his curls that were poking out his hat
" I hear that " Benny said smiling at me . I looked over to my right as I was about to take a sip of my beer, Mike and Clint where going at it .
" Check it out " I said getting Benny and Melvin's attention , suddenly pink ran trying to stop a brawl from happening
" I'll be back , hold my beer " I told Benny
" don't leave c'mon " he said holding my hand
" I'll be quick " I said placing a kiss on his lips I turned around and Benny slapped my ass
" I hate you ! " I yelled and he just smiled .
" Observe while I punch your teeth down your throat! " Clint yelled at mike as I made my way towards them
" Come on, dude, relax! " pink said holding Clint back
" Hey, I'll be watchin' you, Newton. I only came here to do two things, man: Kick some ass and drink some beer. Looks like we're almost outta beer " I shook my head what a dick I thought to myself
" You okay, man? " I said to mike
" yeah it's fine we got him " Cynthia said
" alright good " pink said as they continued walking the other way .
" what's going on over there ? " pink said pointing to Melvin and Benny dancing on top of the truck with some girls
" should I be jealous " I said turning back looking at pink , I was jealous and upset
" C'mon lets find the guys " he said putting his arm around me . We made our way towards the moon tower
" you guys are not climbing this thing are you ?" I said looking at how high it was and turning to look at Pickford , Slater , and Mitch leaning beside it .
" Oh come on don't split on us man " Slater said holding the bag of weed as he began climbing up
" ughh the things I do for you guys " I said as I followed pink up the moon tower
" Why's it called the moon tower? " Mitch said
"Uh, I guess they just decided to put it up here when they were buildin' the power plant. Actually, it's a good idea. I mean, you got a full moon out here every day of the year, you know? " pink said as I looked down and fear took over me real quick .
" Yeah, but nothing's ever been repaired, so this whole place could fall down at any time " Pickford said
" Pickford I'm already scared ! " I yelled looking up at him a smirk placed on his lips
" So you better watch your step " he said
" Whoa! " he said pretending to slip
" not funny looser " I said and he sent me a wink
" This place used to be off-limits, man, 'cause some drunk freshman fell off " Slater said making Mitch stop from climbing up
" He went right down the middle, smackin' his head on every beam, man. I hear it doesn't hurt after the first couple, though " Slater continued terrifying him
" Autopsy said he had one beer, man. How many'd you have? " Slater asked Mitch
" Four " Mitch said laughing
" You're dead, man you're so dead ! Look at the bloodstains right there " Slater pointed at the railings but Mitch didn't care
" shut up , I'm loosing my grip here " I said looking up
" my bad Luna " Mitch said continuing to climb up .
We finally made it up and the view was amazing and for a moment I forgot how much I was afraid of heights .
"Want a hit ? " Pickford said as I leaned against the railing next to him
" nah man I'm to scared to be smoking up here " I said looking down at how high we were
" I didn't forget what you said by the way " Pickford said
" when I said what ? " i asked seeming to forget
" that you liked me " he said , oh yeah that ! fuck how could I let that slip it was a long time ago
" Would you look at this fucking town, man? It's dead " Slater said making me look at him as I avoided Pickford's stare .
" I don't know why I said that " I said turning back to Pickford
" for sure " he said taking a drag of his smoke smirking at me
" Imagine how many people out there right now are fuckin', man " Slater said looking out and Pickford walked towards Mitch
" Step inside my.... " I heard Pickford said passing the smoke to Mitch .
" Just goin' at it " Slater continued and I took a seat next to pink
" you okay Luna " pink said looking at me
" yeah just thinking " I said
" about Benny right ? " he said as I turned to look at him
" yeah and you about Jodie Huh ? " I said pushing him a bit
" oh she got you there man " Slater said laughing .
" Okay were talking about you not me " pink said not wanting to bring up Jodie around Mitch who was on the other side
" hey man that chick up on the truck with Benny and Melvin was Leanne " Slater said out of nowhere making pink look at him
" what about her man " I said
" don't listen to Slater " pink said trying to make Slater shut up
" I heard they fucked before " he said and my heart sank
" nice going Slater " pink said looking towards me as I put my hand on the railing standing up .
" What man she has a right to know " slater said
" It's fine you're cool man " I said letting him know he didn't fuck up
" cmon let's get down , maybe you can go talk to Benny " pink said
" yeah or maybe I need a smoke " I said laughing
" now that's what I'm talking about man " Slater said and we all began walking down once again .

Hello everyone ! I hope you enjoyed this chapter !! I'll try to update more I'm just so scared with everything going on in the world right now :( . Please stay safe and be clean !!! ❤️

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