ChoZ Valt x Reader

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Gaminghufflepuff: Ok ok, this was actually a birthday special for Valt who's birthday is on 21 March. But hey, I couldn't resist waiting all the way to next Saturday 😅. Also because I fear the possibility that I won't be able to find time on the 21st to post the story. So Tada!

This story was requested by @KellieChan83

(Y/N)= Your Name
S: Shu
K: Ken
D: Daigo
R: Rantaro
W: Wakiya
VM: Valt's mom

Your POV
"He's done it again! Our boy wonder, Valt Aoi has defended his title of World Champion once again!" Yakked the blader DJ.

Hurray, your boyfriend ,Valt has won another title match. You were so proud of your smol bean.


"Congrats Valt." You praised as you ran up to him and gave him a big warm hug. He hugged you back tightly too.

"It was no biggie." He replied, giving you a smile.
"(Y/N), do you know what tomorrow is?" Valt chided, looking at you excitedly.

"Hmm I don't know.... Is it Christmas?" You joked, pretending to look clueless.
"For one, no. Two, it's March my dear. And three, you sure you don't know what's coming tomorrow?" Valt inquired, concerned for your wellbeing.

You burst out laughing and ruffled his hair. "Oh sweety, of course I know what tomorrow is. How can I forget the birthday of the sweetest boi in the world." You singsonged, pinching his chubby cheeks.

Valt was really relieved and he smiled brightly. "I can't wait for tomorrow!"  He exclaimed as he punched the air with joy.

You watched as Valt went through a 'in the zone' moment. He was probably imagining every possible outcome for tomorrow.

But little did he know that you and the beyclub have come up with something for him. Muhahahhah😈

(PS: You guys flew back to japan for the title match and to celebrate his birthday 🎂 )

Flashback, plotting with the beyclub (Over a Skype call)

(PS, for this part , I'm doing dialogue only🤪😜)

While Valt was training with Free at the abandoned stadium, you and Rantaro switched on your computer and joined the group call.

(Y/N): Hey guys !
K: Hi
D: Been awhile.
W: I'm back !!!!
R: Hey there goldilocks!
W: Don't call me that!
S: Some things really never change. 😅
(Y/N): ANYWAYS, so any plans guys? We gotta brainstorm the best birthday surprise for our favourite boy.
R: Yeah, we gonna make it EPIC!
Everyone: Okie

R: We should get a helicopter or go fly jets and experience some zero Gs.
W: Hell no!
D: Firstly, Wakiya is scared of heights.
S: Secondly, why??????
R: Cause it'll be cool to have 😁
K: I hate to burst your bubble but where on earth are we gonna get those.
R: Oh ya, I didn't think that far.... But still, it would be cool to have 😎
(Y/N): Ok how bout we try something more realistic 😅 Also I have an idea and I know who can help us with it.

VM: Hi you all. Oh my, look at how you all have grown. You guys are so sweet. Planning this for Valt.
S: It's no biggie.
D: Yeah, for Valt, it's worth it.
K: Yup 👍
VM: Ok, also I love your plan guys. Tell you what, when Valt comes back home with you (Y/N). I'll tell him to help me go open the mailbox or buy something for me. While he's away, you guys can come into our house and hide in the study room before he returns. And then I'll bait him to his room which is opposite the study room and once he is in position, you guys can go nuts and surprise him. What do you guys think?
Everyone: Perfect!!!
W: One question, where do we hide before we go into the house?
VM: Easy, just camp two streets down. Just give me a text when you guys are near.
R: Why two streets down?
VM: Valt might accidentally hear you guys or walk down the wrong street home. 😂 So just to be sure, we'll take these measures.
S and (Y/N): Sounds about right.
D: One more question, how will we know when Valt returns from the errand you sent him out to do?
VM: Oh you don't have to worry about that. He's really noisy so I'm sure you'll definitely know when he gets back.
Everyone starts laughing.
R: Ok, so it's settled then.
Everyone: Yup
R: Ok, see you guys soon!!!

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