Laban X Reader

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This story was requested by @Fan_girl_to_the _max

(Y/N)= Your Name
(L/N)= Last Name
(T/N)= Team Name

Your POV

You are a treasure hunter and at the moment, you're currently searching for treasure known as the Star of the Southern Cross.

Once you had landed in the airport/air base, you immediately set off in the direction which you had planned out of where the treasure might be.


"Well this sure is one thick jungle. It's been awhile since I've seen such beautiful flora and fauna though. I guess it's because it's been kept away from man's harmful hands." You pondered to yourself, amazed by the rich and lush green forest that stood before you. However, the deeper you ventured, the thicker the forest got.


After about 4 hours of trekking, you decided to stop for a break. As you were sitting down and chilling, you heard something bolt past you.

You immediately got up onto your feet, readying yourself for what was to come. You also drew out your daggers from their sheaths, holding them in each hand.

From the foliage, emerged a majestic black leopard. As much as you wanted to admire this magnificent beast as black leopards were really rare, you couldn't as the beast was getting ready to pounce on you.

"Here it comes!" You internalized, perfectly timing the Jaguar's pounce. In response, you slid under the leopard,scooped up your stuff and made a break for it.

It didn't take long for the leopard to change course and give chase. Before you knew it, the leopard was hot on your heels.

"Well this isn't great. I can't even climb up a tree as leopards are excellent climbers." You cursed as you sonic ran through the jungle.

Soon, it seemed Lady Luck wasn't on your side today. Before you knew it, you had reached a clearing and found yourself next to the edge of a huge cliff. Terrific....

The leopard had you cornered. "Oh well, I guess it's do or die." You said as you readied your blades, awaiting the leopard's vicious blow.

Laban's POV

I was taking a nap in a tree with Apali, my black leopard. I had an amazing dream of me beating Valt and Aiger in a bey battle. However, just as I was about to burst their beyblades, I was awoken by the sound of a leopard's roar.

Followed by the accompaniment of the smacking of leaves and the snapping of branches and twigs.

"(Yawn) Man, what's going on? Do you kno.... Wait, Apali? Where are you?" I called out.

I soon got my answer when I heard a distant leopard roar off to my left. "I wonder what's he chasing?"I wondered and decided to go check it out.

When I reached a clearing, I saw Apali, he was cornering a girl and behind her was a steep cliff.

The sight sent a chill down my spine.

"Oh no, I gotta stop them." I said as I yeeted myself over there ASAP. And thank goodness, I got there just in time.

"Woah woah woah... Stand down Apali. She's not for lunch." I joked as I planted myself in between the two of them.

Upon seeing me, Apali immediately got out of pouncing stance and came up to greet me with a head rub.

"Sorry about that."

"No worries I've seen worse."

"Neat.Anyways, the name's Laban. Laban Vanot. And this here is my leopard buddy, Apali." I introduced myself.

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