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I hope you're having an AMAZING day!😍
The campfire is almost dead as Newt and I walk past it, but it provides just enough light for us to make our way to the Homestead.
     We take the stairs as quietly as possible, knowing that most of the boys are already sleeping. As soon as we reach the third floor, I see that Newt is the only member of the Council who is still up.
He says goodnight to me outside my room then slips next door into his, casting shadows in the light of the hallway's lantern as he disappears.
Before I know it, I'm standing in front of my mirror and realize how much I've taken it for granted; mine is the only room that has one.
To my despair, I notice my braid is all messed up. But before I can feel embarrassed for spending time with Newt while my hair was looking this way, I recall his words to me: I wouldn't change a thing.
So after closing the door for the night, I sit down on my bed and sigh, infinitely grateful for his friendship.
I pull my shirt over my head and replace it with a scant tank top. Then I collapse backward onto the sheets and stretch out with my hands behind my head.
Despite the heat and humidity of the Glade, sleep comes quickly.
No, no, no.
I'm surrounded by water.
I can barely see the surface.
I begin to swim toward it but suddenly my hands and feet won't move. I try desperately to kick and paddle but I'm running out of air.
The surface seems so close now. It's right there, just out of reach.
But I can't breathe and I can't move.
I'm drowning. I'm going to die.
Black spots dot my vision as my chest and head begin to throb.
I'm dying.
My eyes fly open, ears buzzing with the sound of the scream I must've let out just before I woke up.
I quickly prop myself up on my elbows. My mouth is dry and I can't stop panting.
But I'm alive.
I sit up against the headboard, resting my forearms on my knees. I lean my head back until it hits the wood and try to slow my breathing so I can go back to sleep.
All of a sudden, my door flies open and I see someone standing in the doorway, silhouetted by light from the hallway's lantern.
     He opens the door all the way, bathing my room in a faint glow.
     I slide to the edge of my bed and run a hand through my already-messy hair.
     When he sits next to me, facing the dim light, I realize he's shirtless. And then I remember that what I'm wearing barely passes for a tank top.
     But Newt doesn't acknowledge the amount of skin I'm showing. He just asks, "Are you okay? I heard you—"
     "It was just a dream; I'm fine," I reply quickly, though I don't know why being kept up by nightmares makes me feel so embarrassed.
     I pull my knees toward my chest and rest my feet on the bed rail. "It almost felt like..." I trail off.
     "Like a memory?" he asks. I turn toward him and nod slowly. "Thomas used to get them, too," he explains, moving closer to me. "But then they went away. And yours will, too. I promise."
     Newt wraps his arm around me and I lean into him.
     For a long time, I listen to the soothing rhythm of his breathing.
     Then a sound pierces the quietness: the sound of creaking stairs.
     Newt pulls away from me, quickly lifting my legs and sliding them under the covers. Then he puts a gentle hand on my shoulder and pushes me down until I'm laying on my back.
     As he pulls the sheets over me I catch a glimpse of a figure moving through the hallway. I squint, trying to make out who it is.
     "Newt, I think someone—"
     "Shh, it's okay. Just go back to sleep," he whispers.
     He crosses the room but turns back to me right before he leaves. "I'll see you in the morning."
     Then he closes the door and my room is plunged into darkness.
Crossing my fingers that this one wasn't too weird!😬🤪

I'm off school for the next two weeks so hopefully I'll get a lot of updates done😘

See you later!!!👋

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