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Prepare to be shook.😶 I was, and I'm the one who wrote it😂 Speaking of which, the writing's not great; it was kinda rushed, but whatever🤷‍♀️ Hope you enjoy!😬
I hear a knock on my door, then Newt's voice saying, "Y/N, it's me."
Rushing across the room, I reach for the handle, my hand covering the four letters engraved on it that I've seen over a thousand times—WCKD—and open the door.
I haven't seen Newt since last night...
Our first kiss.
The best moment of my life.
I draw a breath, bringing myself back to the present, and gesture for Newt to come in.
I shut the door then turn to him and ask, "Why aren't you in the Observation Room? I thought—"
"Yeah, it's my shift," he replies, cutting me off. "I just...I had to come see you."
I glance down at the white tile floor to hide my blush, wondering if he's been thinking about me as much as I've been thinking about him.
When I look up and we lock eyes again, I immediately notice that something is wrong.
"Newt, what is it?" I ask, stepping toward him. "Is everything okay?"
He shakes his head. "No," he admits, sighing.
A moment passes in silence.
"Y/N," he says finally. I hear in his voice an emotion that I don't recognize. "I need you to do something for me."
"Anything," I answer breathlessly, overtaken by concern.
Something grim, something cold, darkens his eyes as his tone suddenly becomes more forceful.
"Forget about last night," he says firmly. "Don't even think about it. It didn't mean anything, okay?"
I fall back a step. "Newt..." I breathe. "What—"
"Y/N, listen to me." The harshness of his voice sends a pang of agony straight to my heart. "I know what you're thinking, but last night wasn't what you think."
"What are you talking about?" I demand, raising my voice. "What aren't you telling me, Newt?"
"It was a dare!" he shouts suddenly, causing me to flinch. "Winston dared me to go on a date with you, alright?" Newt heaves a heavy breath. "And on all the dates after that first one, I just...faked it. I didn't tell you because...because you fell for me so easily." He shakes his head regretfully. "I couldn't tell you."
"And you decided to tell me now? Now, after everything that happened last night?" I exclaim in disbelief. "And why in the world would you accept a dare from my stupid brother? What is wrong with you?!"
For a few long, torturous seconds, the room is silent.
"I'm...sorry," Newt finally says.
I don't believe him at first, until something shifts in his eyes and I see—
     The person who not two minutes ago meant more to me than anything else in the world is in pain, and that cuts me right to the soul.
But the hurt in his tone doesn't match the hurt written all over his face. It doesn't add up.
"Newt..." I exhale, my voice catching.
"I'm sorry, Y/N," he repeats, shaking his head. "It's over."
"Newt, wait!" I cry, bursting into tears.
But he doesn't comfort me; he just pushes past me and leaves without another word.
Well...that happened. Anyone else emotionally drained?😅😵

And HOLD UP! Winston is her brother?!?! Tbh, I didn't even know that until yesterday when I wrote this lol😂

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