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I hope you all are staying healthy!🙏

If you'd please continue to share this fanfic with your friends, I'd really appreciate it!💜
     We walk together toward the Homestead. Upon arrival, I numbly climb the stairs to the third floor, Thomas in tow.
     When I reach my room, I walk in and soon find myself standing in front of the mirror, staring at my reflection.
     I examine my hair, my eyes, my lips.
     I don't blame him for breaking up with me, a part of me says. But I know I shouldn't think that way.
It's hard not to, though, with the memory still so fresh in my mind. It was all too clear, too vivid, too real.
"You wanted to talk to me about something?" Thomas asks, leaning against the doorframe.
I nod as I back away from the mirror and take a seat on the edge of my bed. He steps into the room, nonchalantly sticking his hands in his pockets.
"When you first came up..." I begin slowly, "You got some memories back, right?"
He hesitates. "A few...Why do you ask?"
"I—I had a dream, and I'm pretty sure it was a memory." I take a deep breath. "Do you remember me from before the Maze?"
Thomas sighs. "Yes," he admits. "Well, sort of. It was fuzzy at first; just some girl that showed up in my flashbacks a few times. I didn't know who it was until you came up."
"What do you remember about me?" I press.
He shrugs, trying to look casual. "A few things, here and there. Not much."
"But you remember that Newt..." I draw an unsteady breath. "That Newt was my boyfriend." It's not a question.
I can see in Thomas's eyes that he's trying to think of a way around the answer he knows I'm looking for.
Finally, he swallows and faces the truth. "Well, yes, but—"
"But what? How could you not tell me?!" I exclaim.
     "How could I have told you?" he counters. "When you came up, all you knew about this place was that you were the only girl. And you're saying that you honestly wanted me to tell you that one of us used to be your boyfriend?"
     The answer is no, so I just look down.
     After several long moments, Thomas asks quietly, "Did you tell Newt?"
     I shake my head. "I...I couldn't. When I woke up and looked at him I just—" I pause to collect myself. "There's something else," I say, changing the subject.
"What?" Thomas asks.
"Apparently Winston—Winston's my brother."
"Hold up, what? Seriously?" Thomas says, brows furrowed. "I don't remember that..."
"I'm as surprised as you, but I think the more urgent question is, what should I do about Newt?"
"Well, what was the memory?"
"It was when he..." I swallow hard. "When he broke up with me."
Thomas's eyes widen and he says quickly, "Y/N, it's not what you—"
The sound of someone coming up the stairs cuts him off.
     We both turn toward the door and see...
What do you think is going to happen next??

Tbh I'm not even sure how exactly this is gonna end😂

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