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TYSM and I love you!😘
After stopping by the kitchen to pick up everything I need in order to do the laundry, I make the short walk into the woods to the deepest part of the stream.
Setting down the basket of dirty laundry, I kneel in the soft dirt by the edge of the slow-moving brook and fill my tub with fresh water. Then I set the washboard in it, along with a bar of soap.
I take a shirt from the basket and soak it in the stream for a few seconds before pulling it out.
Grabbing the soap, I rub it back and forth across the shirt, causing tiny white bubbles to appear and multiply.
I scrub the shirt roughly on the washboard, moving it up and down quickly to get it as clean as possible.
A minute or two later, my arms are already tiring as I finally finish cleaning the shirt. I dunk it in the tub to rinse out the soap and bubbles then wring it out and toss it over the clothesline that's strung up between two nearby trees.
     I'd better get some awesome arm muscles from all this, I think to myself as I exhale resolutely, all too aware that I'll likely never get a break from doing laundry...Every. Single. Day.
Almost an hour and a half (and twenty-eight shirts) later, I wring out the last one and hang it on the clothesline, muscles throbbing when I lift my arms.
     Yesterday was so much easier, seeing as I only had to wash about nine towels, as opposed to a gazillion sweaty, disgusting shirts.
I much prefer the towel days, so every other day when I wake up in the morning and realize it's a shirt day, it takes a little extra willpower to drag myself out of bed and start working.
Suddenly a cheery voice from behind me calls, "Hey, Y/N!"
I look over my shoulder and a small smile spreads across my lips.
"Hey, Chuck," I reply as he approaches. "What's up?"
"Newt told me to find you and ask you to meet him in his room before supper," he says, glancing up at the trees as if trying to remember what he's supposed to say. "He said...he wants to talk to you about the rules or something?"
Before supper? I think to myself. I hope Frypan will be okay with that.
I nod and say, "Thanks for letting me know."
     Chuck waves goodbye and leaves as I begin to gather my things.
I make the painstaking journey back to the kitchen, breathing heavily while carrying my supplies before finally being able to dump them by the kitchen door.
I shake out my arms then enter the kitchen.
Frypan turns as I close the door and nods in greeting. "Welcome back, Y/N."
     I offer a poorly-faked smile but thankfully he goes back to his work without questioning it.
     A moment passes before I decide to speak. "Um...Fry?" I ask tentatively, not sure how to word my request. "Can I...have off until supper?"
     He stops what he's doing and turns back around, which I initially interpret to be a sign of annoyance so I quickly add, "I need to—"
     "Slim it, Greenie," he says with a laugh. "Newt already asked me. You're good to go, as long as you're back in time to help serve the food."
     "Oh, good," I exhale, relieved. I move toward the door, throwing a quick thank you over my shoulder before closing the door behind me.
Thanks for reading! I appreciate your support more than you know! (You should see the look on my face every time I find out I have another read😝🥰)

Hope you enjoyed this one and I'll you soon!🤗

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