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Just wanted to let you guys know that...drumroll please...I started writing a Gally fanfic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!🥳🥳🥳🥳 (That's why it's been taking me so long to update lol)

I'm planning on publishing it soon, so be on the lookout!😉🤩
I've been floating on my back for a few minutes, in a state of complete calm. A gentle breeze tickles my face, the only thing keeping me from dozing off.
Suddenly, I hear twigs snapping and leaves swishing; the sounds of someone running through the woods.
"Y/N!" a voice yells so loudly it startles me and I flail my arms as I try to see what's happening. My eyes fly open and I turn to my left—where the shout came from.
Of all people, Newt is running toward me, looking panicked.
     "Y/N!" he calls again as he reaches me, heaving a sigh of both relief and exhaustion as he stops at the water's edge and bends over with his hands on his knees.
"Are you trying to kill me?!" I exclaim.
He shakes his head. "I thought—I thought you..." he pants, finally beginning to regain his breath.
     I scoff disbelievingly. "What in the Glade, Newt?! I was just floating on my back!"
     "How was I supposed to know you can swim?!" he defends, still breathing heavily.
     "It's not like it's that difficult!" I return. "I bet all the Gladers know how to."
     "Well, none of the other Gladers have been stupid enough to try!" Newt shoots back.
     The insult stops me dead in my tracks. I stare up at him, unable to believe he just said that.
His eyes grow sad all of a sudden. "I didn't mean..." he trails off.
     I hesitate for one more second before climbing out of the water and walking back toward the laundry supplies I abandoned by the clothesline.
     "Y/N, wait," Newt calls.
I hear him start to follow behind me and I whirl around to face him. "Why? So you can ask me if I'm sure I'm okay then tell me to be more careful? Or maybe so you can confuse me even more?" I cross my arms. "Why are you even here?"
"I was just walking and—"
"You are such a liar," I scoff. "You were coming to check on me, weren't you?"
He sighs.
I shake my head, almost insulted. "Did it ever occur to you that I didn't want you to check on me? I'm not a child or a damsel in distress; I'm not in any danger just because you aren't babysitting me. I'm fine," I say, gesturing to my unharmed body. Then I add pointedly, "I can manage without you."
The statement causes him to look down, and I consider taking it back.
But I'm angry at him for even coming and my clothes are soaking wet; right now, all I want is to be left alone so I can go to the Homestead and get changed.
"I didn't drown and I have work to do, so you can leave now," I say dismissively. Then I turn and walk away, not caring to look back and see whether he does the same or if he stays and watches me go. Either way, this conversation is over.
Thanks for your support! I can't believe we're getting close to 500 reads!!!🎉

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