Chapter Five

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Chapter Five

It was the next morning, I decided I was going to try out for the cross country team. I wasn't exactly fit, but, this could count as my daily exercise.

At least I wasn't the only girl doing it. There were a few others, but I didn't know their names. Scott, Stiles, and Isaac are on the team as well, but I kept my distance from them. I want no distractions.

We are in the woods, Coach was the one running it of course. The whistle blows and that's when we're off.

I jogged then slowly built my way up to running. "Pace yourselves, come on!" Coach yelled at us.

I noticed Isaac running straight past me, he was chasing after the twins.

Ignore, ignore, ignore, ignore.

I let out a sigh and Scott past me easily. I just had a feeling Isaac was going to cause some trouble. I groaned and run after them, trying to catch with them but obviously I couldn't, they are werewolves with supernatural speed.

But honestly, I wasn't that far behind them, I was kinda surprised by myself. We had ditched the entire cross country team. I wasn't that far behind Scott.

Further down the track, I slowed down as Scott speed up. I watched the twins had held Isaac against his will and Scott had come in and punched one of the twins.

"That's one," Scott had said and I came to a complete stop. What have I just walked myself into?

One of the twins let out a small growl, glaring at Scott and Isaac had gotten back up once he was released from one of the twins.

One of the twins brought their claws out, Isaac had his fangs, glowing eyes, and claws out as well. The twins glow their red eyes, Isaac and Scott glow their yellow eyes.

I stood very still.

Before anyone could do anything there was a scream, causing the boys' werewolf fight to a stop. We rushed down the hill to find a boy pinned by the tree, students were gathered around.

Blood was dripping all over the poor boy. My eyes widen.

"It's him, isn't it?" Isaac questions. Stiles had came by our side now.

"Hey, get out of the way!" Sheriff Stilinski yells after Stiles had called him. "Get back. Get this area cordoned off before they trample every piece of evidence."

"Back up! Everyone back!" A female deputy yells at us.

"Get these kids out of here!" Sheriff Stilinski calls.

Stiles walked towards his father. "Dad, just come here. Look, look!" Stiles points over to the dead body. "Look at it- it's the same as the others, you see?"

"Yeah, I see that." Sheriff Stilinski says tiredly. "Do me a favour? Go back to school, yeah?" Sheriff Stilinski turned to Coach who was behind us. "Coach, can you give us a hand, here?"

"You heard the man!" Coach then yells to everyone. "Nothing to see here! Probably just some homeless kid..."

"Coach?" Scott asked as Coach looked at Scott.


"He was a senior." Scott pointed out.

Coach's eyes widen. "Oh... He wasn't on the team, was he?"

That's when a screaming girl comes in, her eyes widening as she spots the boy. "Kyle! Oh, God, Kyle! Oh, God!"

The deputy had held back the blonde girl who eyes were tearing up. Stiles, Scott, Isaac, and I removed ourselves from the team and walked down hill.

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