Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Chapter Twenty-Eight

"The real problem is Katashi doesn't see visitors. Ever."

Scott had gone to school the same day, leaving Allison, Isaac, Uncle Chris and I trying to find Katashi.

"He's a paranoid recluse who rarely steps outside the gates of his estate." Uncle Chris explained in our office.

"So, how are we gonna get to him?" Isaac questions my Uncle.

"Oh, he's got a thing for rare, antique weapons." Uncle Chris explained. "Yesterday, I had some contacts put out the word that I was selling one of my own collection." He had opened up a cabinet, pulling out a rare French Flintlock turnover pistol. It was in a glass box as he placed it down on his desk.

"A French Flintlock turnover pistol," I whispered, staring at the pistol in awe.

Uncle Chris gave me a small smile, nodding his head. "1645." He tells us. Whoa, that is old.

"You're not going alone," my cousin tells him; shaking her head.

"If she's going, I'm going." Isaac comments, starring at the pistol.

"Oh, well, if they're going I'm 100% going." I declared and Uncle Chris looks at us.

"To be honest," he beings. "I don't feel good about bringing either one of yous."

"They were looking right at Scott when the sun came up," Isaac recalled.

"Well, that doesn't necessarily mean he's the one they're going after." Uncle Chris tells Isaac.

"But if he is?" Allison looks at her father.

Uncle Chris stands up straighter. "If he is, that might only leave us till nightfall to come up with a way to protect him."

"All right." Isaac placed his hands on his hips and he inhaled. "Let's go see if a paranoid Yakuza wants to put another gun in his collection."


Allison, Isaac, Uncle Chris and I sit in the car patiently. Uncle Chris' phone vibrates and I looked over at him from the passenger seat; Isaac and Allison sit in the back. "What is it?" I asked him and he lets out a sigh. We wait outside a warehouse

"Katashi won't do the buy in person." Uncle Chris explained, surprised laced in his voice.

"But he's a paranoid recluse. Shouldn't you be a little less surprised?" Isaac pointed out.

"I was trying to remain optimistic that we wouldn't have to go to my plan B," Uncle Chris tells us.

"Plan B?" I asked, raising an eyebrow. "What's plan B?"

"How tall are you, Isaac?" Uncle Chris looked over his shoulder to look at Isaac. Uncle Chris then pressed a button to open the boot.

We exit to see what was in the back and there was a suit for Isaac to get changed in. I smirked a little. Oh, I see.

Uncle Chris went briefly over the plan while Isaac went to get change into a Tux. "Katashi's office is right here..." UncleChris explained on the blueprints of Katashi's warehouse.

"Guys?" We all looked up and I smiled a little, Isaac was wearing a Tux and looking pretty handsome if I must say myself. He was standing behind the car shyly however. "This isn't gonna work," he stutters. "I look ridiculous." He steps out from behind the car. "I mean... I look like I just stepped out of the last period of a catholic prep school. And there is no way that I'm going to be able to remember all this. I mean, what does this even mean? Revolving over and under barrels?"

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