Chapter Thirty-Nine

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Chapter Thirty-Nine

We had regathered at Scott's house the next morning, Scott and I at the table opposite each other as we drunk our coffees, taking sips.

"I'm sorry," he had blurted out. "I'm sorry that you had to come over here and deal with our... Interesting lives."

"It's fine," I reassured him and looked around the place. "Sure, I want things to be different, but I'm glad I came here. I... I made close friends," I looked over at Stiles shortly. "Really close friends." He was sleeping on the couch. "And, I found my father. I would never have found him if I didn't come here."

Scott inhaled and looked down at his coffee. "So you truly didn't know that Derek is your father?"

I shake my head. "My mother never liked to talk about her past. She'd get sad whenever I mentioned my father, I stopped asking years ago. And now I know the truth."

Scott looked up at me, giving me a small smile before glancing over back at Stiles. "Do you have... Feelings for him?"

I pressed my lips together. I knew deep down inside me I did have feelings for him, more than I should. I've never felt these emotions before and it was honestly scaring me a little.

"I think I do," I hesitantly replied. "God, I've never admitted that before to someone."

Scott smiled widely. "You guys' are good for each other. You guys make a good pair."

It fell silences between us. We make a good pair. I didn't have a chance to let that sink as Stiles shoots right up, he stumbled off the couch, gasping for air and we had rushed over to him.

"Stiles." I breathed out, catching him before he could stumble onto the floor. "You okay?"

"What happened?" Stiles asked quickly, looking between Scott and I. "How long was I out?"

"Just a couple of hours," Scott speaks from beside me. "You should sit down."

Stiles shakes his head. "Where's my Dad?"

"He's at Eichen House," I answered for him gently. "Questioning everyone, looking for Meredith. We promised him we wouldn't let you out of our sight."

"Okay," Stiles begins to fidget nervously. "What about the others?"

"Allison, Isaac, and the twins, they're all looking for Lydia," Scott informed his best friend. 

"It's starting to feel like we're waiting for a ransom call." Stiles nervously said.

"We'll find her," Scott reassured him. Stiles had pulled down his rolled-up sleeve and grabbed the jacket by the couch, shrugging it on. "You all right?"

"Yeah." Stiles answered. "I don't know why, I just can't seem to get warm." He chatters, you can see he's shaking a little.

"Maybe you should sit down," I advised worriedly. "Take it easy,"

Scott stretched his hand to touch Stiles' hand and he pulled back slightly. "You're in pain."

"It's not that bad," Stiles tells him. "Just more like a dull ache."


"Sort of everywhere," Stiles answered, his voice wavering. I watched as Scott gently touched Stiles' hand. "Dude, you're freezing." Stiles had pulled his hand out of Scott's grasp.

Stiles took a seat on the couch. I crouch down and so does Scott, being on his level. "Tell us the truth." I plead. "How much does it really hurt?"

Stiles didn't get to answer, Scott's phone buzzed and he pulled it out from his pocket. "It's Kira." Stiles made a hand gesture for Scott to take it and I shuffled closer to Stiles. "Hey, whats up."

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