Broken Heart, Trembling Soul

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An exciting twist coming up.. Read till the end to find out 😘😘

Humdaan Sheikh

I squinted my eyes at the blinding lights that greeted me, and noticed that the seat belt sign was on. I was finally done with the shitty college and took the earliest flight back home.

I told my parents I was coming but kept it a surprise for Momina. 

My heart ached at the mere thought of Momina.

The last time we spoke was 6 months ago and lately, things weren't fine between us. All we did was fight over silly things. Sometimes she'd be mad at me for not calling her at the time we had chosen. Sometimes, I would be yelling at her for not picking my calls and for not being there for me when I needed her the most.

I was just blamimg her for every thing that she didn't deserve. I had to make it up for all the time wasted after fighting and for the past 6 months  I didn't even call her once!

But, what got me was she didn't call me either. Maybe she wanted to give me space and time to figure out everything. But I was at fault here and I had to make it up to her at all costs.

The flight had landed and I passed the baggage claim. Thankfully, my bag was the first on the belt.

I could feel my heart beat rise, as I was walking out the sliding glass door. A feeling of excitement surging through me, on getting back home with my family.

I scanned through the crowd till my eyes landed on a familiar pair of faces. "Assalamoalaikum." I greeted mom and dad. Mom took me into a hug and sobbed in my chest.

"Mom, I am back now, stop crying. See, everyone is staring at us." I joked.

"They don't know what it's like to see your only son after so long." I rolled my eyes at her.

"I came for Humera's wedding remember?" I reminded her.

"Yeah, that was 2 years ago."

"Ok, let's go now. I am tired."

"So how is everything, son?" Dad asked, patting my back.

"Everything is going well, dad. I missed you guys at the graduation ceremony. You guys should've come."

"I wish we could, son. But they needed me here and I couldn't send my wife alone and so far away." He was always protective of mom.

"Anyway, all that matters is that you are back, all safe and sound. Now I won't go to the office alone anymore." He said.

"Yeah sure. Let's start from tomorrow." I gave into his sarcasm and he laughed.

We drove in silence and I was finally at peace, being back with my family. We reached home, after a 30-minute drive and I was greeted by the aroma of food tantalized my taste buds.

"The food smells yum, mom." 

"Go freshen up first and let's eat together then." I did as I was told because I was starving and missed my mom's food.

"How is Humera?" I asked after filling my plate with kabab.

"She is fine and her son is so cute." My sister, Saima replied.

"When is she coming?"

"She should be here by midnight or tomorrow early morning."

"Hmm.." I continued to eat not wanting anything to disturb me.  

 We were done eating and sat on the sofa. My dad picked up his phone because it's been buzzing for the past half hour.

"We are going over to Arif's place tomorrow." Finally, I got my answer before asking the question.  I missed Momina the most and felt immensely guilty about how I have been treating her lately. I heard my dad say that Arif Uncle was throwing a party for someone's wedding.

"Whose wedding, dad?" I asked.

"Momina's wedding son. She got married a few weeks ago."

 It was as if all the air in the room was sucked out and I felt like someone was choking me. I didn't bother to ask it again, because I was sure of what I heard.

"Did you guys go to her wedding?" I managed to ask keeping my voice under control.

"Oh yes, we did go. How can we miss her wedding? Everyone was asking about you and Momina looked so pretty in her dress. It was like a fairytale wedding." Saima chirped in and got her phone out to show me the wedding pictures as if the news itself wasn't enough to rip me into pieces. I saw the pictures and Momina indeed looked the most beautiful bride ever. She was smiling in every picture like she was the happiest person. Obviously she should be it's her wedding and she is the bride for Allah's sake.

Now it all hit me like a thunder storm. That's why she didn't call me all these months and I thought she cared and wanted to give me some time. I couldn't take it anymore and went straight to the balcony. I couldn't hold the tears anymore as they began to fall.  My life began falling apart. All my dreams shattered, my heart broken into pieces and my feelings ..well they weren't even worth any of this. I laughed at my self and on my life because that's all I can do. I gripped the railing so hard that my knuckles turned white. All I wanted to do was ask her, 'how could you do this to me?' 

I pictured myself with her as her groom on her wedding day. I imagined us getting married, having children, loving each other like never before, and yet I got this in return. This is what the wait had cost me.

I wanted to see the man that would hold her each night in his arms, that would kiss her soft lips passionately, that would make love to her, that would be the father to her children, that would complete her. I wanted to know his name, the name she would call when she moans, and not mine. I was supposed to be the one doing all that and not the asshole. She was mine and no one else's. 

I looked at my self in the mirror and at my reflection that laughed on my fate, till I punched it. I sat down, defeated, looking at the blood, the smashed pieces of mirror resembling my life. I felt helpless. It wasn't the blood oozing that hurt, but my love for Momina, my Momina. I shut my eyes letting the pain overtake me and soon I was knocked out.



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