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1 month ago...

Momina Abdul Majeed  

I felt someone enter my room and make a hell load of noise. I groaned and changed my sides to check the time, it was 9 am. Today is my wedding and here I am sleeping like a bear. I shot up from my bed and headed straight to the shower. I looked at myself in the mirror and all I wanted was to see dark circles on my wedding day. Great! 

Sleep in the past few weeks wasn't sufficient due to the late nights and stuff. But now somehow I had to get rid of them. After my shower, I entered the living room to see everyone, all up and running around. I sat down for breakfast waiting for others to join but I guess they had it earlier, so now it was just me and Ammi, my grandma.

"Assalamoalikum Ammi." I greeted her, pecking her forehead.

"Walaikum Assalam, my girl. How are you?"

"I am good, Alhamdulillah."

"Alhamdulillah." She nodded

"So how are things going? All set?" She asked.

"Yes,  Ammi just have to pray 2 Rakat then everything will be fine, Inshallah." I sighed. Now is not the time to start, but I had to tell her.

"Did you offer salat al Istekhara yet? What was the result?" She asked me when I was just hours away from getting married. It's never too late I guess.

"I have been offering that salat but I didn't get any sort of dream that is usually expected, yet. But I am still offering nafl salat with the dhuhr prayer."

"My dear, Istekhara doesn't always give us dreams. If you offer it 3 days in a row before sleeping and make dua, then you will fall on the right path, Inshallah."

"I did that Ammi. But--" She placed her cold hands on my cheek and said,

"Then, inshallah there is nothing wrong going to happen to you. And something definitely is right about your nikah with Murad." A lone tear escaped and she wiped it with her thumb and took me in a hug.

"I am going to miss you, Ammi."

"Who is going to watch the Netflix series with me now?" Ammi asked.

"I will, no matter what. Whenever I come home I will do that with you, inshallah."

"Inshallah. Now go, offer the nafl salat and Allah will clear your path." I nodded and did exactly as she told me to.


"Oh my Allah! Momina, someone is surely going to die tonight. You look .....enthralling." Came in Mehnaz, pulling me in an embrace. We were at my house, where I was all done getting ready.

"Hey, you don't look pretty bad either." I teased her. "Actually you look the perfect bridesmaid." 

"Aww.. thanks" She blushed.

"Ok.. everyone is ready, right?" Mom came in and asked looking at me.

"Ya Allah, my daughter looks like the perfect bride, Mashallah." It was my compliment day, I guess. But I admit I look really good and thankfully my dark circles weren't visible.

"Now, Mehnaz and Momina you go together with your brother. And don't worry we'll be there in the hall before you arrive." Listening to that, Mehnaz and I squealed like teenagers for just a ride together.


We took a lot of pictures and I was tired now. Mehnaz came and sat beside after eating her 100th samosa. 

"Why are you overeating? I am the one tensed here. The Qazi could be here any minute now." My palms were sweating already, an old habit of whenever I am nervous, that's the catch.

"Why are you nervous? Everything is going to be alright, inshallah. You offered salah didn't you?" I nodded in response.

"Then, there is nothing to be afraid of."

"I know, Allah will handle it.  But I cannot handle the aftermath."

"What do you mean? Is it...Humdaan you're thinking of?"

"Yes!" I feel like the worst bride ever. I am just a few minutes away from getting married and still can't step out of my boyfriend's thoughts....well ex-boyfriend now.

And to make it worse, the Qazi with my dad was here. Everyone gathered around me and I could feel the pressure rise and the tension in the air thicken. My mom, on one side and Ammi on the other, Mehnaz was somewhere I couldn't see. All I could see was those papers to be signed by Murad. The Qazi began reading:

"Do you Momina Abdul Majeed, daughter of Arif Abdul Majeed accept to be the wife of Murad Iqbal, Son of Humza Iqbal?" The Qazi asked.

 There was silence, everyone waiting for my answer, waiting for me to say the three words 'yes, I do'. I was tongue-tied and couldn't speak anymore. My throat went dry and all I could think was about Humdaan and I. All these years spent together, all the sweet memories made, all the wait was for nothing. I looked up to see dad, mom, Ammi looking at me expectantly. Mehnaz came out of nowhere and stood really far behind dad. She nodded her head towards me and gave me a thumbs up. Ammi rubbed my back trying to soothe my 'Wedding jitters'. I shut my eyes and pictured Humdaan and me together, but something didn't feel right there.

 Finally the 3 words 'yes, I do'  left my mouth in a small whisper. We did it thrice and I was given the contract to sign it. I picked the pen with my sweaty and shaking fingers and signed. I wiped the few tears rolling down because no person could understand it. It was for me to deal with the pain and live my life that way. I had no way out for my fate, was now sealed with Murad Iqbal. 

Soon everyone blasted with joy, my mom came to hug me in tears. Her ever so loved daughter wasn't hers anymore. My dad gave me a kiss on my forehead and the three of us sat there hugging each other. 

"Don't make her sad now, you two." Said Ammi from behind. I went up to her as we are supposed to Salam all the elders after the nikah. 

"Live a long and happy life, my dear. And make me a great grandma soon, inshallah." She said trying to light my mood and it made me laugh a little.

After I was done with everyone, Mehnaz came up all enthusiastic and excited.

"It's my wedding, but you are happier than I am supposed to be. What's wrong?" I asked her, narrowing my eyes at her.

She took her phone out and showed me the moments captured of me saying my vows and sighing the contract. 

"It's me and I know I look pretty," I said rolling my eyes.

"It's not that, you pinhead. Here look at this hottie." I examined the picture and looked at the 'hottie' she was talking about. It was none other than Murad. Oh! he looked breathtaking and this friend of mine called him, my husband a hottie! I handed back her phone and said:

"Thanks for giving me a glimpse of my hottie and you are not to attend my reception tomorrow," I said in a calm and authoritative tone.

"What! Hell no, I have all the right not to do that. And it's not even been half an hour ago you were thinking about Humdaan and the aftermath,  but here you are all possessive about your husband now, huh?" She smirked.

"Exactly he is my husband, not yours. I have all the right to keep him away from other single girls, starting from this moment onwards."

Instead of throwing a tantrum, she just smiled a genuine one and I asked her what's wrong. 

"You will see soon. When you get home don't forget to pray salat Shukur . Because you have all the reason to do that."

I was confused but let it pass anyway. 

One down one more to go.

"Mehnaz, what's going to happen tonight?" I was a nervous wreck here but she just smirked in response.



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