New Endings

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Momina Abdul Majeed

"When will you be back?" My mom asked me while breaking the embrace.

"I don't know mom, work starts from tomorrow." I sighed, saying her the truth.

"We will spend weekends together mom." Said Murad smiling in a reassuring manner.

"Now, that's like my son." Mom went over and pecked his forehead.

"Then stay with your son, I am leaving". I said goodbyes to Ayesha, Humera, Saima and Ammar. I picked him up and kissed him on his cheeks.

"You will have them soon, inshallah." Humera whispered in my ear, while Ammar was still in my arms, making me turn into a tomato. I gulped awkwardly and saw Humdaan coming out of his room.

"Allah hafiz." I said and offered him a small smile. This could be the last time that I see him and I wanted it to end well.

"Allah hafiz." He said smiling. I smiled genuinely this time in return, hoping all would be well between us. I turned and left him once again, but this time forever.

We sat in the car and drove in silence for the first few minutes.

"Let's go some where, shall we?" Murad asked.

"Where do you want to go?" I asked, resting my head on the head rest.

"We have work tomorrow so, it's not to a shopping outlet, of course." I smacked his arm with me week baby hands, but Mr. Abs didn't flinch.

"You're mean!"

"I was kidding" He said smiling.

"I don't know where to go, if not an outlet store."

"I know a place, don't worry."

After moments of driving and small talk we were by the sea shore. We ambeled near the water, it was a scene to behold. My love for beaches has always been eternal. Blue waters, the sky and the sun made it look breath taking as always. I began feeling nostalgic, because this was the first time I came to a beach ever since Humdaan was gone. I pictured Humdaan and I playing like children with each other.

I was standing with my feet in the water when Humdaan called me. I turned around and I felt something hit me on my stomach. I looked down to see a sand ball and a laughing Humdaan in front of me.

"Humdaan!!! I just showered and changed into my last dress." I yelled at him and he just held his hurting stomach from all the laughing.

"You are always welcome to wear my shirts, you know that." He winked while I just glared at him.

"You are going to pay for this." I said taking a hand full of sand and threw it on his chest. Now, it was my turn to laugh. I stopped laughing, when his eyes met mine. I could feel something evil cook behind them and my instincts warned me to run, so I did.

"Momina!! You can't run away from me now." He called, chasing after me. And we spent our time just like that, happily.


"It's going to be worth the wait, Humdaan. Don't worry about us." I told him and squeezed his hand, while he placed a kiss on my forehead.

"I am trusting my Momina to you, take care of her. Things won't be easy for us. We're going to be tested. Don't let her break. I'll come back soon."

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