Too Late For Sorry?

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Humdaan Sheikh

I saw her standing in the balcony, gazing up at the dark, gloomy sky, her favorite thing to do. The cool September air, giving her goosebumps. I walked up to her slowly and mocked, saying "All alone again, huh?" She turned around abruptly, and narrowed her brows at me.

"What do you mean? I'm not alone I have---" she said looking at me but I cut her off saying

"Murad with you." I said dramatically, emphasising on the name Murad. She turned around to leave but I grabbed her hand and pulled her backward till she stood, facing me.

"What are you doing Humdaan? What do you want now?" She was angry and not week or crying as I expected her to be.

"What are you doing Momina? What are you trying to show everyone? That you are having a lovely time together with that a*****e." I spoke, with malice laced in my voice.

"How dare you call him that!" She pushed me with all her might but I didn't budge.

"That's what he is. He forced you to marry him, didn't he? What did he give you in return, money?" I spit the words out, tightning  my grip on her fragile wrist. And that's it. She slapped with her free hand. I let her go at that moment, completely shook by her action.

"No one tells me what I can or can't do. And no one here has a dirty mind like yours, Humdaan. For the record, I am not pretending to be happy. I am happy. Happy with Murad. He didn't force me to marry him, it was all planned by Allah. You and I were never meant to be together. Can't you see that?" She spat angrily and fiercely. I had never seen this side of her before. So, this is what a few months of marriage can do to the girl you once loved dearly. I laughed bitterly clearly amused by her behavior.

"So, this is how you treat me now? Did I deserve any of this sh*t? Did we deserve any of this? Tell me!" I took her delicate hands in mine and hugged them to my chest.

 "You can still be mine, I know you didn't sleep with him yet. We can still be together."I pleaded, desperate to have her back, to make her mine. I kissed her hands but she withdrew them the next moment.

"You're impossible! Have you no shame and fear of Allah anymore? How the f*ck can you think about making me yours and dream about us being together?" She looked at me with utter disgust and disbelief. She sighed.

"Humdaan! Try and understand. We didn't belong to each other. We never did. Can't you see that? All those years we spent in nothing but arguing, blaming each other for no reason. And here you are saying the frivolous."

"You want me to make up for the lost time? Then I can do it. I'm sorry, see. I really am. Just please leave him and I'll marry you. We'll have everything the halal way. Don't worry about anything else. I will be there for you as I have always been. I'll talk to both of our parents. Then everything will be solved." I was crying by then and got on my knees pleading.

"Humdaan, it's over now. Nothing can be done even if we want to. We have to live our lives and move on with it. You have to move on from the spot, where you are standing. You have to forget everything, just like I did. You have to forget me, forget us. Don't make this hard than it already is. Please." Her voice was calm again and she was trying hard to make me understand. It hit ME after a few minutes and I stopped crying and saw no point in pleading and begging. I got up wiping my tears, breathing steadily.

"You know what, you are right. I'm just making a big fuss about nothing. I should probably just move on easily, like you did. I am sorry for everything I just said and for hurting your hand like that. Now I see my worth in your life."

"Humdaan, no matter what we were, we will always be friends. It was nothing but crazy teenage rush. We are grown up, so let's act like one. Yea?" That's what she thought about it crazy teenage rush. Her words cut deeper than a knife now.

"Okay if that's what you want then. Let's be friends again." I said plastering a fake smile on my face.

"Friends!"I could see the relief wash over her face, when she heard me saying the word 'Friends'.

"I think we should get going now, it's getting cold." I said looking at the gloomy sky.

"Yeah." She said, nodding her head and left. Once again left me alone in the darkness, to deal with my sh*t.

Momina Abdul Majeed

I left the balcony and Humdaan behind. At first, I was furious about how he saw the current situation and still believed in our future. But hopefully I had made myself clear to him, that nothing could be done and that we were not meant to be together. I know he is hurt, and so am I. I felt helpless as I had no way out. I waited for Murad to call me, but my eyes felt heavy and sleep seemed to be inviting.

I woke up to the sound of my alarm for fajr prayer. After offering my salah, I called Murad and he picked up on the first ring.

"Assalamalaikum" Came his voice.

"Walaikumsalam. Waiting for my call or something?" I joked.

"Yes, since I called you and you didn't pick up. I had to wait for you to call me."

"Sorry about that. I waited for you to call, but then I fell asleep." I said sheepishly.

"It's okay, since you were at your parent's house. I forgive you, but this is the last time."

"What! it's the first I ever did that."

"And the last time you will ever do that." He said in a fake-stern voice.

"What if I do it again?" I liked teasing people, specially on phone calls.

"Then I will make you pay for it!!"

"Like?" I pressed.

"That's for me to know and you to find out!" 

"It's just a phone call, Murad!"

"For me it's not just a phone call, Momina."

"Then what is it? If not just a phone call."

"It's my life." Huh? What is he talking about?

"What?" I was confused. What did he mean by that? But he brushed it away saying "Nothing I will tell you some other time."

"I called to wake you up for fajr. "

"Yeah, I already prayed."

"Hmm...when are you coming today ?" I asked

"I don't know but I'll come early, inshallah." We fell silent for a moment then I ended the call saying

"Ok, see you then Allah hafiz"

"Allah hafiz" He said and hung up.

 I sighed and tossed my phone on the bed. I hope things are going to be fine between Murad, Humdaan and I. I felt like a tennis ball, being hit by the two players of my life: Murad and Humdaan. I didn't know who was winning, but I have this strong feeling that no matter who wins, Murad was going to have me at last.



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