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With slumping shoulders, I approach my locker and punch in the combination. I don't expect to be his girlfriend. Hell, I don't even expect to be liked by him. But a little friendliness that he shows to everybody? A firm handshake? A genuine smile? Is it too much to ask for?

I find a pink note in my locker, neatly folded. I huff in irritation and crumple the note without opening it. These nerds! They think stupid pink notes will make me like them. Dumbasses.

Stephanie arrives at my locker. She is the only sincere person in this entire group of fake bitches -yes, the boys too. She's taller than me and her hair is longer than mine too. She is the only one of my girls who is not dumb. I like her . She's rude but funny and understanding. I open up to her about most of my problems, except the one of being the queen bitch obviously.

"S'up bitch?" She says, touching up her lip gloss. Then she looks at me and sighs. "Your makeup is so subtle! How the fuck d'you do it?"

I take my binder, sift through the contents of my locker for a pen and close the door with my back. I look at her and flash a smile- I cannot act sad, she would ask the reason and I don't like lying to her.

One of the advantages of being with Stephanie is that she talks non-stop and doesn't even bother to stop and hear you speak. So if you're having a really shitty day but don't want to talk about it, all you have to do is keep quiet; she wouldn't even notice.

She is rambling about how her cardio workout this morning was totally ruined as she had a splitting headache due to too many drinks last night and I nod from time to time, until I arrive at my Physics class. Stephanie walks away to Spanish after saying bye.

As usual, my eyes wander to the side of the class where Brandon and his guys -and girls- chat. I flop down at my desk at the back and try to ignore them.

Soon, the class starts and my fingers itch to answer every question. But I can't. Because then, they'll know.

"Study Optics for the next class," Mr. Das says at the end of the class as the students shuffle out.

"Jennifer," he calls out. "A minute please."

I walk towards him, knowing what the subject would be.

"I asked many questions today, Jennifer," he says, setting his lips into a thin line. "And my eyes constantly went to you. The questions, according to your standard, were easy and I expected you to stand up and answer them."

"But I-"

"I know why you're doing this, Jennifer." He shakes his head. "And the reason, to be honest, is pathetic. One of the fundamental principles of this school is class participation. Now, I understand, some students are weak and some lack confidence. But you Jennifer? You are an intelligent and confident young lady and yet you behave like this."

I lower my head, praying that no students are lingering near the door, overhearing this conversation.

"I won't accept such behaviour anymore." He says, with a tone of finality in his voice. "If you continue to behave like this, I will put an F on your class participation, which, you know, will lower your overall grade in Physics drastically."

I look up, horrified.

Mr. Das smiles, apparently satisfied on getting the reaction that he expected.
"You may go," he says.

I walk out, without glaring or huffing or muttering obscenities, because I respect Mr. Das too much for that.

The day passes by quickly and soon, it's go-home time.

"Let's go somewhere," Aiden says, in between kisses. I pull away and shake my head.

"What, baby?" He pouts. He looks freakishingly ugly when he pouts. "You don't spend time with me anymore. Where are you these days?"

"I'm weak in studies, hon." I smile and kiss him. "I gotta go prepare. I don't wanna fail."

He huffs and backs away, taking out a cigarette. I join Lana, Steph and Anita and fake laugh for a few moments. Then I take out my phone and scroll through Instagram.

"Who's that chick?" I hear someone say and look up.

A short brunette is talking to Brandon and laughing, placing her hands on his shoulders. Then, she apparently says something which makes Brandon laugh hard. Then, one by one, Brandon's friends leave and it's only them now. They come close and there's the shared uncertainty of whether they should kiss or not. But they hug and part ways.

My insides start to boil. I try breathing deeply but it doesn't help at all.

"Brandon has a girlfriend?" Lana chuckles evilly. "Ha? Good for him? At least now he would stop messing with us at our every 'wrong deed' because he would be busy fucking her? No more 'not allowed' and 'it's prohibited', girls!"

Steph and Anita laugh.

"Haven't seen the girl before, have I?" I say, trying to remain as nonchalant as a girl exhaling smoke through her nostrils could be.

"Oh you have," Anita says, popping a gum bubble. "You're just noticing her now."

"And why am I noticing her now?"

"Because you have eyes?" Lana suggests.

"She bagged the fifth prize in some kinda Physics competition, I think." Steph says.

"Fifth?" I ask, disgusted. Fifth? Fifth? Seriously? Brandon likes her because she came fifth in some nondescript competition? Oh. My. God.

"She's in your Physics class, Jen." Anita says. "Some say she answers each and every question that the teacher asks. That's how maybe Brandon got to notice her?"

Each and every question that Mr. Das asks? Oh, come on. They're easy as hell.

Is that brunette determined to steal my man? I smile slowly. She will pay for almost kissing Brandon. She will pay such a huge amount that she would have to take up prostitution to keep from starving.

"Michelle Callaghan." Steph says. "Nerd."

Michelle. What a nice name.

"Bitches," I call out. They look at me, and instantly understand what is going to happen.
"How long since we last bullied someone?"

"Two weeks, three days, fourteen hours." Anita pipes up.

"If Mrs. Lancaster there is seriously so popular," I narrow my eyes. "Then why in the goddamn world are we sitting still?"

I stand up and look at the three faces around me. My loyal bitches. I love them so much. They make bullying so frickin' easy.

"Burn her." I whisper. "Destroy her. Shatter her into pieces. Use some external help if needed."

They stand up and nod. I nod at them and walk towards my car, where Alz is waiting for me.

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