The Invitation

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I was sitting at my desk with my feet propped up on the top while I leaned back in my chair. I was thinking about what happened during the op I was on recently. These guys in white masks were holding a bunch of Fobbits hostage. But these guys weren't like the regulars. These guys were well armed, welled trained, and had various tactical positions in the building where the situation was. These surely weren't any of your run of the mill terrorists. As I was in thought, somebody knocked on my door. I opened it to see the messenger. "There's a letter for you sir." He handed me a letter and walked off. This letter was strange, it had a mysterious black six shaped seal. I opened it and it read
Dear Jackson Karr.
We have been watching you very closely and we are very impressed. One of our operators has told me how good of a teammate you are. Your skill set and work ethic would be very valuable in our line of work. Please take our offer into careful consideration.
I sat and stared at the letter. Who could've possibly recommended me for the job? I was thinking about who did it. Then it hit me. Ela wasn't there to train, she was there to recruit. I was happier than ever. I only heard stories of the Rainbow program but sure enough here it is. I was thinking in my head, what I did to deserve this opportunity, then it hit me, I need to catch a flight and go to Hereford Base. I packed all my stuff and ran to the runway at Firebase Charlie. I caught a C-130 Hercules headed to London to come back with food and supplies.
Hereford Base
Six's POV
As I sat at my desk I was thinking about that Jackson Karr person. I had hoped for him to accept the offer and join. He would be very beneficial to this programs success. My phone rang and I picked it up "Hello" I said,"Hey, um are you Six?" He asked. "Why, yes I am" I responded. "The real question is, who are you?" I asked "Jackson Karr, I was given a invitation to join a program called Rainbow, correct?" I was excited, he was going to join our program. "Yes, you were. Your skills would be very beneficial to our program." "Hmm...well, if I'm that important, I guess I'll join." I was elated to hear this, " Ok, we'll send a plane to pick you up from Firebase Charlie." "Nah, no need to, I'm already inbound a c-130 to Hereford." "Ok, I'll get an operator to tour you around the base once you arrive." I hung up and called the SEALs into my office.
Blackbeard's POV
I was in my room cleaning my MK 17, there was nothing to do today and I haven't been on an op in 2 weeks, so I decided to do something productive. I was just loading the magazine back in when six's voice came onto the intercom,"May I have operators Blackbeard and Valkyrie in my office." "Finally" I thought to myself. I've been wanting to be on a mission for what felt like eternity. When me and Meghan got to Six's office I saw that she didn't look like she was going to send two of America's best on a mission to combat the white masks. "Good afternoon SEALs." " Afternoon Six" I said, she looked unusually happy, Six always has a professional and intimidating demeanor. "We're receiving a new operator today." "From what CTU?" Meghan asked, " SEAL team 6 blue squadron to be exact." I was pretty excited to say the least. Me and Meghan we the only actual American special forces aside from Maverick. "I want you and Meghan to tour him around the base, give him a more welcoming feeling." She said. I knew what she meant by more welcoming, it's kinda weird to be born and raised in America and then have a German from the GSG9 to show you around base. "Yes ma'am, I forgot to ask, what's their name?" "His name is Jackson Karr, codename Jolly Roger." I was speechless. Jolly Roger was joining us? I only heard stories about the ops he went on and they were pretty crazy, every op I heard he was on were very hard to say the least. Just cant wait to meet this legend to see if the stories were true.
A couple of hours later we saw a C-130 coming in in the distance, Six told us to look out for an American marked C-130. A couple of minutes later the cargo plane landed and the bay door lowered. A couple seconds later,a man in multi cam military gear walked out. He had a 5.11 backpack sling over his shoulder, a tan shemagh and a black ballistic helmet with a skull and two crossed pirate cutlasses under. The Jolly Roger symbol. He walked up and said "hey, what's up." I stood in astonishment, I couldn't believe Jolly Roger,THE Jolly Roger was in front of me. "Hi, Meghan castellano, codename Valkyrie." Meghan said. "Nice to meet you Meghan, I can see why they call you Valkyrie." Meghan blushed at this comment and turned sideways to hide it. He turned to me " Hey man, what's your name." I snapped out of my trance. "Craig Jenson, codename Blackbeard." "Hmm... so your a pirate guy too?" "Yep, guess so." "Cool, you guys American?" "Yep, Navy SEALs." I said back. "Nice, is there more of you here?" he asked. "Nope, just us." Meghan said. Jackson looked surprised. "Wow, I thought they would be smarter to have more of America's best here." Just then Six appeared behind us "Yes Jackson, I wish I could have more of you here, but in this program we only take the BEST of the best of the best, if you catch my drift." Six said "Six, nice to meet you, now could you please tell me what in tarnation I'm doing here?" " Well Jackson,I was just about to get to that, Welcome to Rainbow, we are a elite worldwide antiterrorism task force. As of right now we are battling a terrorist organization known as the white masks."
Jolly Rogers POV
White masks? That sounded familiar. It kind of that one op where the enemy's were wearing white mas-...ooooooooohhhhhhhh! That's who they were,the white masks. Pretty basic name If you ask me. "Umm... Jackson?" Six said, "Yes ma'am?" I said, " you still with us? You left us for a second, mentally." She said " yep, I'm good, just thinking. I think I had an encounter with the white masks before." "Well that's a story for later, looks like a storms brewing." Six stayed as large grey thunderheads were moving our way.

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