The Base

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Hereford Base, England
Jolly Rogers POV
As Craig took me around the base people kept looking at me funny. I just forgot about it because they were probably going to suspicious of a Navy SEAL that came out of nowhere. Craig took me to a long hallway after he toured me the firing range, there were doors on each side of the hall that were marked with flags and some kind of symbol with a name under them. Craig stopped at a door with a symbol that looked like the skull and cutlasses I painted on my helmet, an American flag, and my name.

 Craig stopped at a door with a symbol that looked like the skull and cutlasses I painted on my helmet, an American flag, and my name

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                              Jackson Karr

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Jackson Karr

"This is your room" Craig said. "Thanks man." I say.He turned to walk off and I said to him "Hey Craig!" he turned around to see what I wanted, "just call me Jay, alright?" he nodded and said something as well. "Are the stories true?" he asked, I knew what he was talking about, all the ops I've been on that got turned into campfire stories they were so gruesome. "Yeah, they are actually." Craig seemed to be amazed, "Even the one with the kids?" I knew what he was talking about, Operation Atlas, we were supposed to extract a HVT and interrogate him for Intel. But because this particular HVT switched nests every day, it had to be a daylight raid. Once we reached the compound we came under heavy fire from down the road. I peeked and saw 20-30 kids with AK-47s firing at us, our squad commander told us to fire back. I don't know if my other squad mates opened fire but I did, because at the end of the day, they weren't sweet lovable children, they were an enemy that was hellbent on sending us home in a body bag. We extracted the HVT from the compound but, that op was a failure to me. "*sigh, yeah... that ones true too." Craig looked as if he regretted asking me that question. "Well, I'm going to hit the hay, see ya Craig." "See ya Jay." I walked into my room, it was pretty nice. Queen sized bed, sofa, kitchen, flatscreen TV, cabinets, a bathroom, and an armory/closet. I sat down and put my clothes in the dresser, put my combat boots at the base of my bed, and walked into the armory. I pulled out my M4A1 carbine and placed it on the rack, I did the same with my other weapons and finally put my signature helmet on my dresser, lastly I pulled out a picture frame and set it on the cabinet, I then pulled out a picture of my old squad and put it inside, I admired it for a second, that picture was when I was a wide eyed special forces soldier that was a fresh operator in SEAL team 6

 I pulled out my M4A1 carbine and placed it on the rack, I did the same with my other weapons and finally put my signature helmet on my dresser, lastly I pulled out a picture frame and set it on the cabinet, I then pulled out a picture of my old s...

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I could hardly remember their names but I remembered their code names, from left to right top to bottom are Barrett, Twinkie, Saints, sparky(Carl), Jolly Roger(me but I didn't paint my helmet yet), Bravo, Delta(he's our commander), and catfish.They were pretty good friends. Until that one day
I was sitting in the sandbag bunker guarding the front entrance with my other squad mate catfish. He was messing around on the mounted M240B and was pretending to shoot it, I was there really so I could see my friend Carl again, I was cleaning my M4A1 and catfish turned around to me. "Hey JR, you got somebody waiting for you back at home?" "Yea, my mom and dad." He looked at at me " C'mon man, you know what I mean." I didn't have a girlfriend yet because I was too shy to ask anyone out. "Nah man." He looked at me like I was some alien, "Dawg, you don't have a girl?! Alright,once we get on American soil again, we're going bar hopping." I started to laugh and he said, " Hey JR, the boys are back." I walked up next to him and I saw an Iranian hummer and behind it was Carl's, I couldn't wait to see him so I could tell him about my "awesome" day at base, as they were coming down the road that eventually turns left and heads into our base, I saw the thing that has been stained in my memory since that day

Me and catfish stared and then sprinted to the hummer,Carl's hummer was blown to crap, the armored car was set ablaze, the equipment attached to it was blown off, and the turret was hurled through the air a couple hundred yards away. I stared, then it registered, my best friend was in that hummer that just got blown to high heavens. I dropped to my knees, put my goggles on my helmet and I did what no one would expect me to do. I cried. I cried while somewhere in that blazing wreck, my only true friend, my other half's dead corpse was roasting like bacon on a bright Saturday morning. Catfish tried to comfort me but it didn't work. I had just lost the person who truly understood me.
I was snapped out my trance and put the picture frame down, I went to my bed and laid down to try and sleep

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