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Darkness... darkness was all I could see. My eyes were fluttering, trying to stay open. I finally managed to open my eyes and I looked around. My team was still here. I could see their chests raising up and down every so slightly. They were alive at least. I wish I could say the same for the pilots, there was blood all over the pilots body and the copilot was missing. Ela started coughing and I tried to open the side door. It was hard but I managed to get it open. It was in the afternoon, the hot sun was starting to slowly disappear behind the mountains. I looked around and saw, nothing as a matter of fact. Then I saw multiple cars. I grabbed Glaz's rifle and aimed down the scope. I saw multiple technicals with the Taliban flag flying behind it. I was scared to be honest. I went back In to the smoking, sparky helicopter to try and wake the others up. Ela was looking around and I went up to her first. "Ela, we have hostiles inbound, get your gun and help me wake up the others. I went over to Blackbeard and shook him. "Blackbeard, wake up we have Taliban fighters coming." He jolted up looking around, he grabbed his rifle and tried to stand up. I went over to Glaz and tried to wake him up while Ela tried to wake up Zofia. Once everyone was conscious, I tried to radio anyone. "Base this is Jolly Roger do you copy?" *static "Base this is Jolly Roger please come in!" *static. I was about to throw my radio on the ground until I heard somebody. "Jolly Roger, this is Six. Why the hell aren't you at Firebase Charlie?" Said six with a worried tone. "We got shot down on the way there. We're fine for the most part but the pilot is dead and the copilots missing." "Activate your distress signals so we can pinpoint your location." Said six over the radio. "Hey six, listen, I hope our extract gets here fast because we're running out of time. We have multiple Taliban vehicles converging on our position." Just as I said that a couple of shots dinged of the side of the helicopter. Me and Blackbeard jumped out and took up defensive positions. We started firing back on the incoming trucks, I hit the driver of one of the trucks and it accelerated into another making them crash. There was about two more trucks left and they were shooting at us, one had a mounted LMG on the back and was spraying our position. A shot came from behind us and the bullet pierced the machine gunners head. I looked behind me and saw Glaz standing with his rifle raised. He took another shot and it went through the driver side window, the truck swerved violently and flipped, tumbling. The last truck was about a couple hundred yards away. We started shooting it and we succeeded in killing those in it but the problem was it didn't stop. It started accelerating faster right to us. I grabbed Ela and Zofia and ran away from the helicopter. At the last second once we were all clear the technical rammed the Blackhawk. I stood there while Ela toppled over and started puking. Zofia was starting to gain consciousness. I looked off into the distance and saw a Blackhawk flying to our position.
Ela's POV
I felt like complete crap for the first part. Once I was done puking I raised my head to see Jay looking at something. I looked in the direction he was looking and saw a Blackhawk flying to us. I felt relived and looked around and saw the rammed technical. Then I saw a guy in the back right seat aiming a pistol at Jay "JAY LOOK OUT!!" I yelled, the Taliban fighter fired, hitting Jay in the side of his chest. Blackbeard killed the fighter leaving Jay on the ground bleeding badly.
Jolly Roger POV
"JAY LOOK OUT!!" I heard Ela scream, I look around and saw a guy in the truck still alive aiming his pistol at me, I was standing sideways to him so I tried to go for my rifle that was hanging on my sling.Before I could get a grip on my M4 he fired the pistol, hitting me in the left side of my torso. I fell to the ground trying to breath but it was hard to. I started to cough blood when I felt somebody start to cradle me in their arms, their hands were cold and soft, it was so relaxing, I started to fall unconscious when I heard the whooshing of helicopter blades and the yells of my teammates.

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