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Beep...Beep...Beep... I woke up to an annoying beeping sound. I managed to open my eyes and I saw white. I managed to get into a sitting stance. I could tell I was in the medical bay of Hereford. As I was trying to get out of bed a nurse came in and looked surprised at seeing me awake. She ran out and I could hear her on the hallway yelling for "Doc" to come, whoever the hell that is. A couple of minutes later, a very tan man with black hair walked in, "Bonjour, Jackson, I'm Gustave Kateb, codename Doc, tell me Jackson, how are you feeling?" He asked, "like roadkill." I said that earned a chuckle from him. "How long have I been out?" I asked him. "About 2 weeks, had to do surgery to remove that bullet, lodged itself in the side of your torso, your very lucky as it almost hit your left lung." Damn, two weeks? Hope I didn't miss out on anything. "I'm starving, can you help get these wires off me?" I said, he helped me in pulling the wires off of me. I thanked him and walked out of the medbay. I immediately walked straight to the cafeteria and got food, nothing specific, I grabbed anything that looked good and put it on my tray. As I ate my lunch I looked up at the huge screen put up on a wall of the cafeteria. The time read 4:35 am, I must've woken up early. After I was done eating I threw my tray away and walked back to my room. My side burned but the pain was bearable. I decided to sit down and watch some TV. I forgot what I was watching exactly and started to fall asleep. My eyes closing very slowly until I was asleep. I barely had any sleep since the op I went on. I was probably going to wake up in the afternoon but none of that mattered right now as I was almost fully asleep. My eyes opened fast and I looked around. I wasn't in my room but I was in somewhere dark, a loud buzzing sound could be heard and a red light started flashing followed by the sound of a bay door being opened. People around me stood up and lined up in front of the opened door. I figured out where I was, I was in the cargo hold of a C-130 Hercules. I immediately stood up and joined them in the line. I finally realized I had military gear on. "We're 2 minutes out from the hot zone, check your gear and weapons. I checked my rifle and I started to check if the person in front of me had everything. A couple of seconds later the red light turned green and everyone jumped. I was about to jump off the bay door when someone woke me up. Somebody was tugging on my shoulder and I looked up. I saw it was Ela looking at me. Confused I sat up "what are you doing here Ela?" "Doc told me to bring you these meds to help with the pain. I came to give them to you but you didn't answer." "So, you broke in?" I asked. "No silly, Six has a master key for everyone's dorm room. You wouldn't answer so I had to get it from her." She handed the things Doc sent to me and waved goodbye. She walked out the door and I started to read the directions left by Doc, it said to take one before dinner and before bed. I sat on my couch wondering when I'll be on a mission next. I started to think about home. Would they let pets on base because I want to have my ferret Mako here. I take great care of him and he could be a great team mascot. I then just decided that I wanted to go to sleep instead of think about those things. I climbed in my bed and turned off the lights. I closed my eyes and fell fast asleep.

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