Threat Level: Alpha

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It's been a couple of weeks since I got shot and I recovered pretty fast. It doesn't sting like hell anymore but the wound is still sore, just yesterday Six deemed me operational and that I could go on missions now. I've mostly been hanging out with Craig, Megan, and Ela while i I was injured. I was sitting on the couch with Ela watching some Family Guy, "So is Peter always a jackass?" Ela asked, I chuckled and responded "Yea, he's pretty stupid but that's what makes him funny." Ela was about to say something else when Six's voice came over the intercom. "All operators, please report to the briefing room, this is urgent." Me and Ela got up and walked to the briefing room. All the operators were there and me and Ela took our seats. Six was standing at the front of the room ready to start the briefing. "Hello operators, your probably wondering why I called you all in here today. As of right now we are in threat level Alpha." A couple of people gasped in the room, whatever "threat level Alpha" is, it must be very important. "Two hours ago White Masks and Taliban insurgents formed something of an alliance and launched an attack on Tehran, Iran. They have taken the city. US Marines are preparing an assault on Tehran in three hours. Bartlett University required a full strike team, this requires everyone. Gear up. Transport arrives in thirty minutes. Be advised, we've been getting reports that the Whitemask, Taliban alliance have armored vehicles, tanks, and military grade weapons."With that everyone hurried out the room. I went into my room and put on my gear. I grabbed my rifle and loaded it and I grabbed my helmet. Before running out the door I stopped and looked at the old squad picture. I was transfixed to it until Ela yelled at me to hurry up. I snapped out of my trance and hurried next to Ela to the runway where our transport would be.
Thirty minutes ago we were dropped in by C-17's. We were now laying on a hill overlooking Tehran, the constant sound of gunfire and rockets were heard and bullet trails of triple A cannons streaking the sky. "Damn, that's a big fuckin city." Said a marine beside me, "yep, no gun trucks yet." Said another marine beside him "Hey, could you leathernecks please keep it down, you might give away our position." Zofia whisper yelled, "yea, whatever. Why are we even working with the polish on this op?" Asked the marine. "Trust me, you'll need us when you see these guys, they're not your run of the mill terrorists." I said trying to diffuse the situation. "Yea, no shit, no run of the mill fuckin terrorists would take the capital of a country in a couple of hours." The marine said. "Badger actual this is overlord come in." The commander said through the radio "Yea, this is Badger actual read you 5 by 5, send traffic." "Badger actual, Airstrike target zones have turned up ineffective but as of 0300 hours CPL. Lances squadron took control of jefyha bridge. This puts Badger squad and Eagle squad to take strategic enemy positions housing enemy intelligence." "Copy that overlord, what's the plan?" "You'll have to cross through the canal and move through ashabar residence district, be advised, there are multiple heat signatures on the map here, let me verify it really quick." The radio was silent for a couple of seconds only till he came back " Badger actual, be advised there are multiple hostiles that have dug strategic defensive positions along the canal and into the ashabar residence district." "Copy, Badger actual out." I stood up and turned to my squad. "Alright, listen up. CPL. Lances squad has taken jefyha bridge. This puts us and Eagle squad to move in and secure hostile structures with enemy intelligence. We're going to move down the hill and cross the canal, from there we'll take out hostile defensive positions in the canal and move through the ashabar residential district. Any questions?" Nobody raised their hand, "Alright, put on your helmets, cause it's about to get fucking retarded." We started moving down the hill slowly, not wanting to attract much attention. We were walking for about 12 seconds when I heard a distant thump and a whistle, followed by a ear piercing explosion. "MORTAR, RUN!" I yelled as another shell came down and hit a marine beside me. I ran to his body and both of his legs were gone. He grabbed my hand and tried to say something, but died before he could form the words. Another mortar landed a couple of yards away which made me get up and start running down the hill, my backpack swinging and my M4A1 connected to its sling, bouncing on my vest every time I took a step. When I reached the bottom of the hill the rest of my squad was down there. "Set up the mortar, let's shed some light on this situation." The two marines carrying the mortar nodded and shot up a flare. We jumped over the wall and started moving through the canal. As I landed on the ground from jumping over the wall, a barrage of bullets landed around me. I stood up and ran behind a mound of rubble. I peeked over the rubble and instantly a bullet dinged off my helmet. I sat back down wide eyed and thanked god that I didn't settle for anything less than my ballistic helmet. "Overlord, this is Badger actual, we've come into heavy enemy fire and we are currently pinned down, you think you can send anything to help?" I asked over the radio "negative Badger actual, all air support is being used in hot zones across the cit- hang on... ok, Badger actual we have a flight of two A-10s flying to your position. They agreed to give you a hand." "Thanks overlord, I owe you one."I tried to perk over again and I saw defensive sandbag emplacements with heavy MG's raining fire on us. "Badger actual, this is viper two one, come in please." I sighed and pressed the button to speak on my radio. "Viper, glad to hear your voice, you think you can help us out here?" "Affirmative Badger, I'm going to need you to lase those targets for me please." "Sure no problem, Badger out." I peeked over and pointed my weapon laser at the hill where we were taking the most fire from. A couple of seconds later I heard the A-10 pilot speak over the radio " targets acquired, guns in thirty seconds over." I called out to my squad to let them know "HEY, WE GOT A-10s COMING IN THIRTY SECONDS,GET READY!!" Everyone stopped firing and stayed behind cover "Badger this is Viper guns in ten seconds...Guns Guns Guns." After he said that, a loud BRRT was heard from above, followed by the screams of the terrorists. Another loud BRRT was heard and then a large explosion occurred. A lot of people cheered after the strike because we were now practically taking no fire from there. "Badger, this is Viper do you need me to come around for another pass?" "No Viper, gun run was effective as hell, good shit man!" "Welp, just doing my job. Viper out." "Good hunting Viper, Badger out." I got up and started moving to the canal, i could hear the footsteps of my squad behind me, " hey, spread out, we still don't know if they have mortars." We kept walking and came to a staircase that led up to the hill that we were taking fire from. I got to the top of the stairs and started walking while sweeping around for targets. It got to the point where I was stepping over bodies riddled with holes I could fit my fist inside of. "Damn, A-10s fucked these guys up bad." Said a marine " Yea, no kiddin." I said as I saw a bodies of a white mask torn in half and on fire. Just then I heard steps and aimed my rifle, around a dirt mound came a white masks who was on fire. "Help...Me." Thats all the White mask could muster until dropping dead in front of me. I put a round in his head to make sure and stepped over him. As we reached the middle of the hill I felt someone tug on my shoulder. I looked to my left and saw Ela looking at me with her green eyes. "Don't you think what we did was a little bit too extreme?" "Do you think what the white masks did at Bartlett was a little over the top too?" "Hmm... fair point." Said Ela. We were about to reach the top when we started taking fire from more sandbag emplacements. I grabbed Ela and dove behind cover with me so we could be safe. I saw a marine and I called out to him "hey devil dog , come here!" He ran to me and kneeled beside me in cover "yes sir?" "You got any grenades?" I asked him. He gave me a M67 fragmentation grenade and I said thanks. I pulled the pin and ran out of cover. I threw grenade and it landed right in the sandbag emplacement. It exploded and killed or injured everyone in it. We moved up and started firing back at the terrorists with extreme accuracy,Terrorists dropping like flies. We finally reached the top of the hill and we started to move to the target building. We started taking fire from a big window on the ground floor, a marine threw a grenade in the window and a loud bang erupted after, moments later. A white mask came crashing through the door on fire and landed with a loud thump on the ground. I pushed into the building and checked the room. "Main room is clear." I said and I waited for my squad to move up on me. We were walking down a corridor when we rounded a corner and were met with a metal door. I tried to open it regularly, then tried kicking it in, neither worked. "Alright, stand back, saw's coming out." I grabbed my buzzsaw that was no bigger than a suitcase but powerful enough to cut a reinforced wall in half, and began to cut off the hinges to the door. A couple of seconds later, the door was off its hinges and I kicked it back with a metallic boom. I moved through the halls and we reached the end of the hallway to a door, I opened it and walked outside of the building. "Badger actual this is overlord do you copy over." "Overlord, I hear you send traffic." "Collect whatever intelligence you can get ready for a real fight. You'll be moving with eagle squad in their humvees and move to the Tehran national bank. There are hundreds of enemy contacts outside and inside the bank. 2nd armored division is currently underway to that position." "Copy overlord, we're moving to that position right now." I said as a convoy of humvees drove up to us.

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⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2020 ⏰

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