Back in the 'Stan

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I walked to the briefing room with my combat gear on and my rifle on its sling dangling on my thigh, bouncing every time I took a step. I opened the door and saw that everybody was there. They turned around to see who entered. "Alright, since everybody's here let's begin the debrief." Six said, " The US embassy on Afghanistan has been taken over by white masks with allied Taliban forces. There are 4 hostages, two are marines who were tasked with protecting the embassy, and two are embassy workers. Be careful, these white masks are highly trained and elite. Any questions?" No one raised their  hand. "Alright, you have been given operational clearance, a C-130 is inbound to pick you up ETA 2 hours, gear up and get ready." Everyone saluted and walked out. I couldn't believe it, first I had to go back to that god forsaken country, and second just two days after I left the embassy, which is the most secure place in Afghanistan, was taken over. I was in thought when someone walked up to me. I turned around to see the green haired girl Ela, "Are you excited?" She asked me. "No, I'm not." "Why, this is your first mission and you've only been here for a day!" She said, " Because this is what I had to deal with everyday when I was on Firebase Charlie. Terrorists killing and torturing my brothers in arms. This isn't any kill some terrorists and get a slushee op for me, it's defending my country, embassy's count as their country's soil, so at the end of the day this a revenge mission, well to me at least." Ela was pretty shocked to hear this, she went to Afghanistan once when she was part of a PMC but she realized that Jackson was doing so his to protect his country. "I understand, I'm sorry for treating this matter so childishly." "It's fine Ela, it's just that this op hits me in the heart." They hung out in the lounge talking about things friends would talk about. "So Jackson, do you like anyone here?" Ela asked Jackson, "Seriously Ela? I've only been here for a day." Jackson said. "I like someone here." Ela said "no way, your always so standoffish to everyone though, who is it?" "I'm not telling you. Your just going to have to figure it out." She said. I glanced at my watch "CRAP!! The plane arrives in 5mins, come on!!" I yelled at Ela. We jumped up and bolted to the runway, as we made it to where our team was waiting, sure enough the gray plane was flying towards us in the distance. "Your late." Blackbeard said jokingly. "Give me a break" I said back to him while smirking at his remark, on the other hand, Ela was panting due to the fact we just ran halfway across the base. The plane pulled up a couple of minutes later. The bay door opened and we all got inside and sat down on a seat inside. "Mind if I sit with you?" Ela asked, I shook my head and she sat down beside me. I took off my helmet and pulled down my skull mask and tried to go to sleep.
Time skip
Firebase Charlie
I woke up to the landing gear of the c-130 touching down on the runway. The plane came to a stop and the bay door opened. All the operators stepped out of the plane with their gear. The operators followed me because I was just here 3 days ago. I walked to the dorms and found an empty room. The operators started putting their stuff down and putting it where it belongs. I threw my stuff down on the bed and walked outside, I was going to find catfish. I heard somebody behind me and I had a feeling it was Ela. "Yes Ela?" I asked "How did you know it was me?" She asked surprised "I had a feeling it was you." I responded. I kept walking to the cafeteria. Ela was beside me now. "Where are you going?" she asked "To find my old teammate." I responded. A M1A2 Abrams rolled in front of us, luckily it was taking a road that goes to the cafeteria so I jumped on the side, I looked back and still saw Ela walking the same way I was, guess she didn't see me get on. The armored beast thundered down the road and I jumped off as it rolled by the cafeteria. I hope he's still here.
Ela's POV
I was walking next to Jay, I wanted to tell him how I felt about him because I never got the chance to. I was about to say something when one of the M1A2's rolled by us. I waited for it to go past us and for its loud rolling sound to pass us to talk to him. I look to my right and I see he isn't there, I look around and I see him on top of the Abrams. I wanted to talk to him but I guess he hasn't really seen his teammate in a long time.
Jolly Roger's POV
As I opened the doors I instantly saw him, he was sitting in the corner he always sits in eating some steak with a little bit of A1 sauce, just the way he likes it. I walked up to him and sat down. "Sup man, how have you been?" He looked up startled and then realized it was me. "Hey Jolly, long time no see, what has it been like, 2 days?" He said. We laughed and started talking with one another. "Hey, remember when you jumped across that stream and you landed on the other side but your pack made you lose balance and you fell into the stream?" He said trying to contain his laughter "yea, I remember. I saw a snake in there that's why I was so quick to get out." We shared a hearty laugh until I remembered why I was here. "Hey Jay, you hear about the embassy?" I nodded "That's why I'm here." He shook his head and I heard a voice behind me, "Jackson, lets go we're moving out soon." I turned around to see Zofia looking at me." "Yes ma'am." I said and told Catfish goodbye. We geared up and went to a UH-60 Blackhawk waiting for us.

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