Arlo side

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(Just a little POV from our lovable moron)

It was Saturday morning.

Arlo stood in front of the bathroom mirror, a serious expression on his face.

"You sure are handsome. Look at them biceps". He strains to show off any muscle he has.

"Ok never mind, no biceps. But look at your face. Damn beautiful". He sings now examining himself.

"ARLO! For the last time quit talking to yourself!" He hears his mom scream outside the bathroom door.

Arlo sighs dramatically and opens the door, sauntering out in only a towel.

"Mom you're so unkind, especially to your precious baby boy".

His mother was putting away laundry and rolls her eyes.

"Just go put on some clothes and then go help Kira in the basement".

Arlo gives her a sad dramatic look and then goes off to change.

When he was ready he nearly skipped down the stairs. Reaching the basement, he sees his brother talking to someone.

The person was hiding their face in a mask and dark clothing.

But Arlo knew who it was regardless.

They both look up as he walks to them.

"Arlo. Go get the black bag from under my desk. Then go check on the cameras. Y/N might be waking up soon". Kira ordered and then turned his attention back to the masked figure.

Shrugging Arlo grabbed a black duffel bag from under a rusty desk. He handed it to Kira and then skipped over to another room hidden in the back.

It was full of monitors. All of them cameras, placed in Y/N's house.

He sat down in the chair and glanced at the largest screen.

Y/N seemed to be stirring in her sleep but still wasn't waking up.

Bored out of his mind, Arlo starts spinning in the chair.

Then stops when he sees Y/N sit up in her bed.

"Kira! She's awake!" He yells.

He heard Kira mutter something and then footsteps came, entering the room.

Kira stared at the screen.

"I'm going to head to her house. Stay here and keep an eye on things".

Then Kira was gone.

Arlo groaned, he always obeyed his brother, and honestly it was really annoying.

As much as he respected Kira, he couldn't understand so much about him.

Plus, all Arlo wanted to do was just do well nothing.

Instead he was stuck doing all the small,boring, tedious tasks.

He lets out a sigh and slumps in the chair.

"I can't wait till Y/N finds out what's going on. At least then things will get super dramatic". He murmurs to himself.

He turns his attention back to the screen.

Watching Y/N get out of her bed, unsteady on her feet, he snorts.

"Girl, you will be way more out of it when Kira is done with you". He snickers.

And as Arlo watches you, Kira is in a car, heading to your home.

Both brothers thinking the same thing suddenly, "I'm so hungry".

True siblings right there.

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