Chapter 21

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As Michael stared at the absolute wreck before him,Aiden glugged down his beer.

"What the fuck happened to you man? You look like you came back from hell".

Aiden laughed and coughed.

"Actually, I just came back from hell". He snickered weakly.

At Michaels confused look he said, "Violet tried to bury me alive. But, guess she was in a hurry. Cause she did a shitty job".

With that being said he took another sip from his can.

Michael cursed darkly to himself.

"So she's losing it".

"Oh yeah. She's planning on torturing Y/N slowly, and killing her".

Michael slumped in his chair.

Looks like he had to speed shit up.

He looked over at the walking corpse.

"Shouldn't you go to the hospital man?"

Aiden laughed again and held his sides.

"I will after this. I called a friend of mine to pick me up. Look, I know how you can get into the house and kill Violet. And you're going to have to kill her. Bitch won't stop otherwise".

That figures

Violet was well known for her beauty and disgustingly fake innocent personality.

Though when Michael had met her she acted like a little witch.

He snorted at the memory.

"I actually had my own plan for getting Y/N. But I'll go with yours. I figured you guys knew about me.. But I didn't think you knew where I lived".

Aiden coughed again and smiled weakly.

"Dude, we knew everything about everyone. That bitch is crafty as hell. Just stop her and save Y/N. I actually feel pretty bad. I did really like her but. I started to see that it was wrong to just hurt 24/7. When I told Violet this she went nuts. As you can see she doesn't like when people don't see eye to eye with her". He gestured at his broken like body.

A honk came outside and Aiden tried getting up.

Michael hurriedly helped him.

He gently helped him outside where a red Honda stood waiting.

Helping him in the passenger seat he looked over at the driver.

A lady sat there sunglasses on and a scarf over head.

Her hands seemed to be trembling.

Michael furrowed his brows.

This was one person he didn't know.

"Good luck. There's an extra gun in my room. Find it before Violet does. It's under my bed".

And with that Aiden was gone.

Michael stood for a second and inhaled the cold air.

Later, as he left to the mansion, he realized something odd.

Aiden had never mentioned Kira.

But he figured it was due to Kira's strange chest pain. Some heart problems he seemed to be having.

Not much of a threat.

Oh boy was he wrong.

As he pulled up to the gates of the mansion, he saw someone standing out in the front.

To his shock he saw it was Y/N. She seemed to be looking around her surroundings.

She seemed unsteady on her feet.

Suddenly Violet came up from behind her. She grabbed a chain and seemed to be choking the life out of Y/N.

Cursing he managed to open up the gates, and rushed in with his bike.

Aiming straight at Violet who was laughing hysterically.

She was him and a wicked smirk appeared on her face.

She swung Y/N towards the bike.

She stared at Michael wide eyed and he swerved.

He crashed into the other side of the drive way.

Groaning he managed to pull himself up and off the bike.

"It's too late. I'm killing Little Y/N". Came a laughing taunt.

As he tried to hurry over, Y/N grabbed something seemingly out of nowhere.

It was a knife.

She plunged it right into Violets stomach.

Violet gasped, dropping the chain and Y/N scurried off coughing loudly.

Staring down at the knife sticking out of her stomach, she laughed and laughed.

As Michael came to Y/N's side, a car pulled up.

And Kira existed it, pointing a gun at both of them.


The Other Girl  (Yandere Males)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora