Chapter 14

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By the time 8am had rolled around, you were not well rested at all.

In fact, you felt like a paranoid mess.

You got up and decided to take a shower.

Luckily the water was working well enough.

You showered tired and terrified.

Awful thoughts kept running through your head and you felt like you were losing your mind.

You had brought your bathroom supplies with you, and even pads.

Which made you actually laugh.

At a time like this, you hadn't cried for your Mother, yet you still remembered to bring pads.

The rain had stopped by now and the sun was out shining cheerfully.

You changed into a long sleeve shirt and jeans.

That's when you heard knocking again.

Going downstairs, you take a deep breath and open the front door.

It wasn't Michael this time.

Instead a tall brown haired boy stood, smiling at you.

"Hi! I'm Riley. I live next door. I was just wondering who you were since I saw the taxi pull up last night". He said gently but you were shocked.

Oh fuck.

Oh no.

Although he was obviously disguised you knew exactly who this was.

It was Caleb.

See, ever since all the accidents had happened to you, you could recognize any of of Violets fanboys by a mile.

No matter how well they were disguised.

Then you made a mistake.

"Caleb". You croaked out and he widened his eyes.

Then grinned and scoffed at your expression.

"Guess you aren't as stupid as they think you are".

You slammed the door and instantly locked it.

Caleb laughed loudly, "A word of advice Y/N. If I were you I'd kill myself. You have no idea what they have planned for you".

With that you could hear his footsteps walk away as he was still chuckling.

If Caleb had come here that meant they knew you were here.


You zoom upstairs and grab your things.

Nearly gasping for air as the panic was setting in.

You had to get out.


You heard something odd downstairs and then a noise like someone had forced the front door open.


You needed to hide.

Then you remember the attic.

You pulled down the small stairs leading up to it and climbed up.

You could hear voices now.

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