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Damon was dead.

Violet hadn't been home for a few day's now.

But Leah knew..she had seen the trash bags.

She felt like puking.

Leah knew she had nobody to turn too.

Over the years she had the hard way of learning just how manipulative her child was.

Then one night the call came in.

She listened to the creaky sounding voice coughing out.

"Help me Mrs. McArthur".

He gave her directions and nearly flew to her car.

These past few weeks she had been staying at a close friends home.

If not for them she knew she would probably be on the street.

Now this poor boy had called her.

She needed to help him.

She headed to the place where he had directed her.

There she found him limping towards her and her hands shook on the steering wheel.

My god, he looked awful.

He looked so beat up and his eyes nearly sunken in.

Another boy.. no young man watched them.

His silver hair twinkling under the street light.

As they drove away Aiden spoke to her in a soft tone ,"Violet isn't going to be alive within the next few days".

And as they drove to the nearest Hospital she believed him.

As much as she loved her daughter, she knew, she just knew that Violet would eventually do something that would get her killed.

And as the tears dripped down she knew the end was near.

The Other Girl  (Yandere Males)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt